* ˚❀ ׂׂ݈݇ ⎼ 14.

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₊˚✧IRL, IMessage, Social Media✧˚₊________________________

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₊˚✧IRL, IMessage, Social Media✧˚₊

ᴀʀᴍᴀɴɪꜱ ᴘᴏᴠ:

"Armani! I just can't do it with you!" "I know! I'm so bad! I know I am! But please just talk to me mom!" "Armani! Stop! I told you to stop hanging out with these friends of yours and you keep doing it!" "Well in sorry that 'these friends of mine' are my only sense of sanity left! Mom, I'm sponsoring a fucking brand I've never heard of until Andrea told me about them!"

My mom just glares at me. My brother just watching from the couch and my dad just standing there look at me all disappointed. It's Saturday yet I'm still not catching a break.

"Just go. I-I can't put up with you right now. You are so much to deal with." My mom just walks away after that. I make my way upstairs and into my room. I get a notification on my phone.

Cutie Patooties😇 + chris🤢,Matt🤡,Kar🤮

Mar 😽 Chris stan ‼️ : Armani
Chris 😸 Mar stan ‼️ : Chris
Matt 🤡 : Matt
Nicky 💞‼️ : Nick
Ria 😍🫵 : Andrea
Z 🦓😇 : Zayne
Kar 🤮🚗 : Karter

Chris 😸 Mar stan ‼️
My spidey senses tingled
Which one of you guys are sad right now
Cause it has reached me

Z 🦓😇
Shut up bitch

Nicky 💞‼️
The personal attack HELLO 😭???

Ria 😍🫵
Hes just mad bc he leeps dying in a roblos hoby
We're on FaceTime

Kar 🤮🚗
I'm not sad
I'm doing pretty great

Chris 😸 Mar stan ‼️

Matt 🤡
I mean
I'm good
But Olivia Rodrigo is hurting my heart atm

Chris 😸 Mar stan ‼️

Ria 😍🫵
I'm good
But Matt

Chris 😸 Mar stan ‼️
That leaves one person
I know you're hiding

Z 🦓😇
Oh yea
Her mom just went completely ballistic on her for hanging out with you guys
Her mom likes me
So I'm not included in that
But I heard them arguing like 3 minutes ago

𝙍𝙐𝙉𝘼𝙒𝘼𝙔  , ᶜʰʳⁱˢ ˢᵗᵘʳⁿⁱᵒˡᵒWhere stories live. Discover now