* ˚❀ ׂׂ݈݇ ⎼ 04.

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ᴀʀᴍᴀɴɪꜱ ᴘᴏᴠ:
I wake up to my phone going off constantly. I check the time, 7:42 am. I grab my phone and answer the phone.

"Whoever the fuck is calling me right now, call me later." I groaned.

"Well damn." I heard them say. It was Chris.

"My bad, but like, it's 7 am and we snuck out last night and came back at like 2 am." I said.

"It's fine. I don't know why I woke up so early. You trying to come over though? My mom said it was alright as long as your mom is cool with it." Asked Chris.

"Yea. Let me get up real quick. I'll go ask my mom" I told him. We said bye to each other and then he hung up.

I quickly got out of my bed and went into the bathroom. I locked myself in there before I began brushing my teeth. After brushing my teeth I quickly brush my hair too.

I finished changing and then went downstairs. My parents were already downstairs and they were eating. I looked into the living room and saw my brother on the couch watching Netflix.
I walk over to my mom.

"Uh, mom." I said. She looks up at me. "You're up early." "Yea, uhm, can I go over to Chris' today?" I rubbed the back of my neck, hoping she would say yes. "Fine. But don't be home late. And you have school tomorrow so be home around six or seven." She said before getting up and walking over to the sink. "Thanks mom." I smiled before running upstairs and grabbing my mini backpack.

I FaceTime Chris back and he immediately answers. "What'd your mom say?" He asked. "She said yea but I have to be home at six or seven." "Alright. What are you packing?" "Swim suit, hair ties, towels, and... snack." "Bring me-" "pepsi and the nasty cookies my mom makes. Yes I know." "They're not nasty. I love them!" "Yea, because you're weird." "No I'm not!" "Sure, weirdo." I giggle before throwing my bag over my shoulder and getting my car keys.

"I'm on my way." "Alright. See you soon." "Bye, Ris!" "Bye, star." "Stop calling me tha-" Before I can't finish my sentence, he hangs up. I quickly walk down the stairs. I grab my wallet off the counter and open the front door.

"Are you gonna eat over there or?" Asked my mom. "Yes mom." "Ok. Remember, six or seven." "Yes mom." I said with a slight fake smile. She just nodded and I quickly ran out the house.

I arrive at the triplets house with Canes. I knock on the door and I'm greeted to Nick. "Canes?! Ugh, I literally love you so muchhh!" He said before pulling me inside the house. "Canes?" Mumbled Matt. A toothbrush in his mouth. "Yes canes." I said.

I hear someone come down the stairs. I look behind Matt and it's Chris. "Canes still doesn't beat your moms cookies." He comes up to me and grabs the bag from my hand. All four of us walk over to their dinning table I hand out the food.

"Cookies where?" Asks Chris. "Right here." I said before pulling them out of my bag and handing them to him. He smiles at me and signal's me to sit down next to him.

We finish eating and we all get up to throw our trays away. Chris throws mine away and then drags me upstairs to his room. "Let's play Mario Kart." Then he tosses the controller over to me and I smile.

"Ok, but just don't get mad when I beat you." I smirk. He looks at me with a look of judgement. "You never beat me." He confidently told me. I scoff. "You must be joking. I beat you every time we play. Then you get mad and go get Nick or Matt and rant to them about your loss." "No I don't!"

Me and Chris finish up our last round. We begin to think about things we could do today. "We could... go swimming?" He suggested. "I feel like Nick would be too scared." "Why?" "Because he's scared of things in the ocean." "Who isn't? Plus we were literally at the beach yesterday." "You have a point. Alright, let's go." I told him before getting up and grabbing my backpack.

I walk over to Matt's room and knock. He opens the door. "Wanna go swimming?" I ask. "Sure. Give me a sec. I'll be out soon." "Alright." I then made my way over to Nicks door, which was wide open already.

"Nick, we're going swimming, you coming or?" I asked him. "Yea, let me just get my stuff and we can go." "Alright, meet us outside."

We were in the car, on the way to the beach. Matt as driver, like usual, Chris in passenger, and me in the back with Nick. All our stuff was in the trunk. Me and Nick were playing iMessage games and Chris was just... I don't know, being Chris. He was talking about wanting a pet monkey or something.


Guys, we're gonna get a cute little bond moment in the next chapter🤗 I'm so excited for the next few chapters coming up🙊 put y'all's seatbelts on bc y'all are in for a ROLLER COASTERRRR‼️ I also js wanted to give y'all another chapter for now bc tmro y'all get 3 and on Jan 2 or 3 u get 4🤗


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