* ˚❀ ׂׂ݈݇ ⎼ 05.

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₊˚✧IRL, Social Media✧˚₊________________________

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₊˚✧IRL, Social Media✧˚₊

After me and Chris finished up surfing we went to go take a break and sit down. I handed my surfboard to Nick and Chris handed his to Matt. We always had fun surfing. We eventually got tired which is why we stopped.

Chris is the best surfer I know, but I would never tell him that. He thinks he's the best and I'm not feeding into his mindset. We both go and sit down and he grabs my backpack.

"Ever heard that going through a women's bag is rude?" "Sorry, but you told me you brought snack's and I'm starving." He shrugged. I smile at him and grab my backpack out of his hands. I open it up and grab some snacks for us to eat. I hand him a Pepsi and he smiles at me before grabbing it out of my hand.

His smile always made me smile. It was contagious. I smile back and then turn to look at Nick and Matt. We were all close, but I just felt way closer to Chris. I felt safer. Whenever I went through something, he would always be the first person to ask me what happened and he would always tell me that things happened for a reason.

"You know, humans are complicated." I said, still looking at Nick and Matt. "Does that make you an alien or?" "Shut up." I slightly push his shoulder. "Jokes aside, I agree." He said. "I don't feel understood sometimes. I honestly feel alone." I shrug. "You got me, Star." He looked at me, like he was passionate about listening to me.

"Yea. I really only have you and Ria. If one of you guys leave I really wouldn't know what to do. I also have the group, but like, we all have our designated best friend, you know what I mean?" I said. He looks back over with me and nods.

"I wouldn't know what to do without you either, Mani. And yea, I know what you mean." I then lay down on the sand. "Understanding me is hard. I hate it." "You make sense to me, Star." He said. I look at him with a smile. That made me happy to hear.

"Sometimes I feel like... the sun." I said while looking up at the cloud. He then lays down next to me. "...the sun?" "Yea. The sun is way too big to fit in with the star's but too hot to fit in with the planets. The sun doesn't fit in, and to be honest. I don't either." He then looks at me after I say that.

"Then you're my sun." "Huh?" "I mean, every planet orbits around the sun. The sun is like what leads them. You lead me, Mani." I smile at him.

"Cute, but gravity is what keeps planets in the orbit of the sun." I grin. He rolls his eyes at me. "Whatever, smartass." He then stood up and held out his hand, motioning me to stand up too.

I grab onto his hand and get up. We begin walking to Matt and Nick. I look down and notice we were still holding hands. I pull mine away and and then quickly walk over to Matt and Nick.

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