* ˚❀ ׂׂ݈݇ ⎼ 15.

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₊˚✧IMessage , irl ✧˚₊________________________

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₊˚✧IMessage , irl ✧˚₊

Cutie Patooties😇 + chris🤢,Matt🤡,Kar🤮

Mar 😽 Chris stan ‼️ : Armani
Chris 😸 Mar stan ‼️ : Chris
Matt 🤡 : Matt
Nicky 💞‼️ : Nick
Ria 😍🫵 : Andrea
Z 🦓😇 : Zayne
Kar 🤮🚗 : Karter

Are you ready yet

Z 🦓😇
Is Nick going with me, Mar, and Chris?

Nicky 💞‼️
Mar and Chris are less awkward

Ria 😍🫵
How are we awkward🤔
Also yea I'm ready Matt

Matt 🤡
Yea, how are we awkward?
And okay I'm on my way

Chris 😸 Mar stan ‼️
You know why Matt

Mar 😽 Chris stan ‼️

Chris 😸 Mar stan‼️

Mar 😽 Chris stan‼️
Kar said he's gonna go in his own car
Where the fuck are we even gonna go
I'm freaking out
Why are we even doing this

Z 🦓😇
Calm down I'm omw to your room
Stop freaking out

Chris 😸 Mar stan ‼️
Mani it'll be okay I promise
I'm also scared
But it'll be fine

ᴀʀᴍᴀɴɪꜱ ᴘᴏᴠ:

I was pacing in my room. Freaking out and everything but Zay comes in. "Hey. Calm down. It'll be fine. Plus, you deserve a break from here anyways." He then comes up to me and hugs me. I hug him back. I was slowly calming down now.

I was waiting for cat to finish put our things in the back of the car. He closes my trunk and gets into my van. He gets in the back seat. I begin driving to the triplets house. They were sneaking out obviously. Plus it was like 1 am. I get a call from Chris. I answer it. My phone was sat on my little photo stand I had.

"So like, can we get something to eat before we leave because I'm hungry." Chris asked. I saw his suit case in the background. "Yea I guess. Pass the phone to Matt real quick." Chris does as I asked and gives the phone to Matt. "Yeah?" "We aren't gonna make it to New York without me falling asleep on the freeway. We gotta atleast stay at a hotel."

He nods. "Okay that's fine. I'll find a place." He said before walking over to Chris and handing him the phone back. "Armani. Dude. So. Okay so. Basically. Well. Okay." "Oh my gosh, Chris just spit it out." "Okay so I was rewatching hunger games and bro, I couldn't stop laughing when Peeta started yelling."

I arrive at the triplets house but park a few houses away. I text Chris that I was here and he said okay. I wait in the car but I saw Chris and Nick coming out to the car. Chris had our whole money stash in one hand and had his suitcase in the other. They throw their stuff in my trunk and get in.

"Maniii!" Chris said while getting in the car. "Chrisss." I smile. I get a text from Karter before starting the car. I quickly text him the location of the hotel for tonight. I look over at Chris and he looked slightly upset.

"You okay?" I ask him. He just nods slightly. I start the car and we begin the drive. I honestly think everything is going on too fast, but I guess that's how everything works.

We were stuck in traffic at the moment. Z and Nick were talking about bananas and Chris was on his phone. "Armani. What if aliens invaded us? I would want to be a zombie. And if I was a zombie I'd find you and I'd turn you into a zombie too so we could be zombie buddies." "What..." "You know what I mean?" "Chris, you're are someone I can't understand. But sure, I know what you mean."

He just smiles and hugs me. I hug him back because I love his hugs. He's such a huggable person. Shortly, I let go and he just continues to rant. "And then, if I were to be a vampire, I'd turn you into one too se we could both transform into bats and fly around."

"Wouldn't you have to like... suck my blood for that or something." "Oh. Yeah, but like, I think you'd be fine with it because you'd be with me!" I giggle at that.

I see cars moving forward slightly and I do too. I hear Z and Nick talking about just random shit in the back. I turn to Chris and he just looks at me. For some reason, I couldn't make eye contact with Chris. I would just end up laughing my ass off. So, next thing you know, I'm laughing like I've never laughed in my life.

"WHAT?" Yelled Nick. Me and Chris were just laughing our asses off so he was curious. I couldn't even stop laughing so I didn't answer. Chris couldn't breathe and neither could I.

🩶// c3c3sturnsSorry it took so damn long LMAO but I'll post another chapter later , I've been thinking of writing another story but it might not come out until I finish this story 😓

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🩶// c3c3sturns
Sorry it took so damn long LMAO but I'll post another chapter later , I've been thinking of writing another story but it might not come out until I finish this story 😓

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