* ˚❀ ׂׂ݈݇ ⎼ 18.

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₊˚✧messages , irl , social media✧˚₊________________________

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₊˚✧messages , irl , social media✧˚₊

armani (daughter) : Armani
mom : Armanis Mom

it's been atleast 4 days.
Where are you.
We know you're fine
based off your instagram and your friends
but you better come home now.
and i mean now.

armani (daughter)
i heard what you said


armani (daughter)
about me turning into Theo mom.
And you know what?
What if i am?
Then what?
are you going to yell at me?
are you going to constantly compare me to my brother?
I didn't go to juvie when i was 14.
And i don't smoke my brain away the way he did.
Maybe if you were a better mother
and did just leave us home alone every night to go party
you would've had better children.
Then maybe me and Theo would've been better children.
The ones you actually wanted.
and here's life to you mom
you don't always get what you want.

don't come home.

Ris (without rizz) : Chris
star 💫🤓 : Armani

star 💫🤓
help me
i fucked up so bad
idk why i agreed to the whole running away thing
i can't breathe chris
i need you.

ᴀʀᴍᴀɴɪꜱ ᴘᴏᴠ:
And i start grabbing my chest. It's that feeling. The feeling during a panic attack. It feels like ever. single. piece. Of oxygen just leaves you. It's gone. Like you are being choked, but not death choked, just hard to breathe choked.

All of this in the hotel bed. I try to focus. To focus on my breathing. I pat my chest, to control the breathing. I need it to stop. I want it to stop. And out of all the times i've needed Chris, this might be in the top five.

I talk to myself. I tell myself it'll be okay. That i will be fine. That this won't last forever. Finally, i caught a breath. Then another. And then another. And i could finally breathe properly, but i just broke down into tears. That tired me even more.

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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