Eri Black

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A/N: Hello everyone! Before we start, I just wanted to say how much I love you guys so much and I can't thank you enough for supporting and reading my first book. I have never written a fanfiction before so please leave my comments of what I could do better. That would be much appreciated. Anyway let's move on shall we?

Jack Frost POV 

It's been a while since I became the guardian of fun, ice and snow. Before that I was a lonely guy who would try everything to get someone to see me. Then the man in the moon(Manny) chose me to be a guardian, I didn't want to be at first, they were all hard work and deadlines while I was snowballs and fun time, so I used to think. Bunny can still be a pain to deal with, Tooth kept sticking her fingers in my mouth, North was his usual jolly self and Sandy was always the quiet, cool guy we always was. It took me 300 years to find out who I was. 

My name used to be Jackson Overland, I had brown eyes and brown hair until one day when I save my little sister Emma from falling in a lake, but I fell in I died and I woke up as Jack Frost. 

We defeated Pitch Black, the boogeyman, the king of nightmares as a team even though there was some...bumps in the road to say the least. 

But what none of us expected what would happen next. 

Eri Black POV

Hello my name is Eri Black, daughter of Pitch Black, the boogeyman and king of nightmares. As a child my father would tell me about the guardians and how they were the bad guys. I grew up hating the guardians, but I also didn't fully agree with my father. I hated seeing little kids in fear whenever I was with my father while we were 'hunting' so to speak. 

I also looked like my father, with his black hair and amber eyes, but one big difference is that I have angel wings that were as black as the dark itself. 

My father told me that my mother was an angel of darkness and that I look just like her, but when I would ask what happened to her, my father would change the subject. I haven't even seen a picture of her. 

My powers were like my father's, I could create nightmares and fade into the shadows, but instead of trying to scare kids, I try to help kids overcome their fears. 

One night, when I was around 300 years old(17 years) I was on my usual 'hunt' when I saw the moon in the sky. 

"Hi Manny, long time no see. How have you been?" I asked. 

Manny didn't respond as usual but I assumed that he was fine. 

I stopped on a roof, sat down and stared at the moon, somehow it brought me peace. Then I started humming a song my father taught me; he said that it was my mother's favorite song, Hide and Seek by Lizz Robinett. 

Jack Frost POV

I just finished playing with Jamie and his friends when I saw baby tooth who told me that North wanted to talk to us. 

I flew to the North Pole to North's workshop and saw North, Tooth, Bunny and Sandy. 

"Ah Jack, there you are! I'm afraid I have some bad news." North said. 

"What happened? Is Pitch back or something?" I asked. 

"I don't know but something is about to happen, I feel it, in my belly." North said. 

"Wait just a second, you asked us here just because of your belly feelings again. You're lucky Easter is still months away, unlike last time." Bunny said. 

Then Sandy sees Manny in the sky and tries to get everyone's attention so slam my staff on the floor. 

Sandy then makes a moon above his head and points up. 

"Ah Man in Moon! Sandy, why didn't you say something?" North asked. 

Sand came out of Sandy's ears, signaling that he was mad. 

"It's been a long time old friend! What goes on?" North said to Manny. 

Manny shows a shadow of Pitch on the floor and then a shadow of a lady and everyone gasps. 

"It is Pitch, but how is this possible? She disappeared over 300 years ago." Bunny said, shocked. 

"Who died over 300 years ago?" I asked. 

"That woman was the Angel of Darkness and Light, she was a guardian like us until she disappeared." Tooth said. 

North looks up at the moon. 

"Manny, what must we do?" North asked. 

Manny brought up this crystal and everyone gasped

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Manny brought up this crystal and everyone gasped. 

"Uh guys, you know what this means?" Tooth asked. 

"He has chosen a new guardian." North said. 

"What? Why? We already Frost over here!" Bunny said, referring to me. 

"Hey!" I shout at Bunny. 

"I wonder who it's going to be!" Tooth said, getting excited. 

Sandy showed a 4 leaf clover above his head, signaling a leprechaun. 

"Maybe the leprechaun?!" Tooth said. 

"Please not the groundhog. Please not the groundhog." I hear Bunny pleaded under his breath. 

The crystal showed a figure that would leave everyone shocked and confused. 





First chapter of my new fanfiction is up!

Can't wait to see what you guys think and if you could leave comments on what I should do better for the next chapter that would be great!

I love you my readers!

Have a great night or day!

Stay tuned!  

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