The Truth about Aurora Light

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I don't own this picture! 


I opened my memories and then I start seeing visions. 



A little girl with black hair, amber eyes and black angel wings, it was Eri, standing next to a woman with blonde hair, blue eyes and white angel wings. Pitch was there too and he was smiling, watching his wife and daughter play with each other. 

"Mommy, when are you going to teach me how to fly?" little Eri asked. 

"Soon dear, I promise. You aren't ready just yet." Aurora said. 

"Aurora dear, she's almost 54(5) years old. I think she's ready and look, she's giving you her puppy eyes." Pitch said, gesturing to little Eri who was doing her puppy eyes at her mother. 

"Oh alright, but you have to stay next to me." Aurora said, giving in and little Eri got excited. 




Then we see Aurora and little Eri were waiting on a rooftop in London for someone. 

"Who are we waiting for, mommy?" little Eri asked. 

"Some good friends of mine...speaking of which, there they are." Aurora said. 

North, Bunny, Tooth and Sandy show up and they smile at Aurora. 

"Hello my friends, it's so good to see you." Aurora said. 

"Who's this little anklebiter you have with you?" Bunny asked, looking at little Eri. 

"This is who I wanted you to meet; this is my daughter, Eri Aurora Black." Aurora said, introducing little Eri to the guardians. 

"Hello, it's nice to meet you all." little Eri said, hiding behind your mother's leg. 

"It's okay sweetie, they don't bite, go on." Aurora said. 




Little Eri is in her room, looking at picture of her, Aurora and the guardians, when Pitch comes in with a sad look on his face. 

"Daddy, what's wrong? Where's mommy?" little Eri asked. 

"Your mother is not coming back, my dear." Pitch said. 

"What?! What happened?"  little Eri asked. 

"Your mother left me; she left us. But you don't have to worry about her. You still have me, don't you?" Pitch said, with his hand under Eri's chin, making her look at him. 

"Yeah, I do." little Eri said, her eyes looking down. 




I gasped as I came back to reality and I felt like I was going to be sick. 

"Eri, you okay?" Jack asked. 

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