What is you center?

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I started following North, but it was very crowded so was faded into the shadows, but I can still follow him. 

"North, no offense, but this isn't my thing." I said. 

"Man in moon says it is your thing." North said. 

"Then apparently he's lost his marbles. I mean, I'm the daughter of the boogeyman himself, a being of darkness and fear." I said. 

"That's exactly what Bunny said." North said. 

"Well then, he's not wrong. Why trust me out of all the spirits in the world?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Man in Moon sees something special in you, I see it too." North answered honestly. 

"And what pray tell would that be? What could possibly be so special about me?" I asked again out of curiosity. 

We entered his office and I came out of the shadows. I looked around and saw a toy train set made out of ice. 

"Is that toy for a kid or is it just for you?" I asked. 

"It's just for fun." North said.

"Very...cute." I said. 

"Well enough about that, now we can get down to tacks of brass." North said, with a stern face, cracking his knuckles and backing me into a corner. 

"Who are you, Eri Black? What is your center?" North asked me. 

"My center?....I don't know." I said, wondering who I really was. 

North walks over to a shelf and grabs a big russian nesting doll that looked like him and handed it to me. 

 "I know you see me as this intimidating man, but underneath that

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 "I know you see me as this intimidating man, but underneath that..." North said as a pull off the first head. 

"You are down right jolly." I said. 

Not just jolly, but also mysterious...fearless...caring....and my center." North said as I revealed the different faces, showing me his personalities and the last one looked like a tiny wooden baby. 

"There's a tiny wooden baby?" I said as a question. 

"Look closely, what do you see?" North asked as I looked at the little doll. 

"You have...big eyes?" I said again as a question. 

"Yes, big eyes! Very big, because they are full of wonder! That's my center! I see the world in a way no else can." North said. 

"That's pretty impressive and that's coming from me. I don't say that very often and not to just anyone." I said. 

"I'm honored, but what is your center?" North asked. 

"I'm not sure." I said. 

"Don't worry the same thing happened with Jack when he got chosen to be a guardian. It took him a while to find out who he was. Like him, you'll find out." North said, putting a hand on my shoulder. 

"Thanks North, you know I grew up thinking you guys were the enemies, but I'm starting to rethink that, but not fully. I still work with my father and he won't be happy if I join you. It's better if we keep it under wraps for now." I said and North nodded, understandingly. 

"If you don't mind me asking, who was your mother?" North asked. 

"I never got to meet her, but according to my father, she was the angel of darkness, but that's all I know about her. I've never seen any pictures or heard about what happened to her." I said with my head down. 

North POV

When Eri told me her mother was the angel of darkness, I had a feeling in my belly that her mother was the angel of darkness and light, but we won't know until she shows some form of light. 

Then the door burst open and Bunny and Jack walked in looking worried. 

"We have trouble as the Tooth Palace." Bunny and Jack said in unison which shocked me and Eri by the look on her face. 

Then Eri's face went from shocked to a face of worry. 

"I think I know what's happening, I'll see you guys there." Eri said, about to disappear into the shadows when Jack stopped her. 

"Wait! How about you ride in the sleigh with us?" Jack asked, rubbing the back of his neck. 

Before Eri could say anything, I pushed her to where the sleigh was while she was protesting.

"Sorry, but I think my wings are safer and so are the shadows. You are not getting me on some rickety, old....sleigh." Eri said the last part after she looked at the sleigh. 

"Impressive huh? You know I said a similar thing when I was first chosen to be a guardian." Jack said, getting in. 

"Yeah, I still think my wings and the shadows are safer, plus a certain someone could be behind this trouble." Eri said, mumbling the last part. 

"Come on, just one ride, please?" Jack asked. 

"Alright, one ride, that's it." Eri said, getting in and sitting next to Jack. 

"Come on rabbit, you coming or what?" Jack asked Bunny. 

"I think my tunnels are faster and um, safer." Bunny said, mumbling the last part. 

I grab him by the scruff of his neck and placed him in the sleigh. 

"Buckle up!" I exclaimed. 

"Where are the bloody seatbelts?!" Bunny asked, getting scared. 

"That's still expression." I said. 


While Bunny was getting scared and yelling at North about the absent seatbelts. I start wondering if my father was behind this. I hope he's not going to steal the children's teeth again like he did last time, but if I know my father, he won't give up. 

I also know that my father will be furious if he sees me with the guardians. 

I will be so grounded if he finds out what I'm doing instead of making kids have nightmares in the way he wants.  

Then the North flicked the reins on the sleigh and the reindeer started moving very fast. 




Another chapter done! 

I hope you all are enjoying the fanfiction so far! 

I love you all so much! 

Have a great night or day! 

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