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A/N: Eri and Jack are now married and they are 29 years old in human years and they have twins, a boy and girl who are 4 years old.(picture above is their daughter) 


"And that's how I became a guardian and how I met your father." I said to my daughter and son. 

This is Winter Aurora Frost

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This is Winter Aurora Frost. She has white hair like her parents, one blue eyes like her father's and one amber eye like what mother used to have. Winter as has ice powers and angels wings like her parents. 

This Jared Pitch Frost

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This Jared Pitch Frost. He black hair like Pitch, blue eyes like his father and also ice powers and angel wings like his parents and twin sister. 

"Wow, mother that was amazing, I love these stories." Winter said. 

"Yeah me too, expect for the kissing, eww!" Jared said with a disgusted face. 

"I think you have been spending too much time with your great-uncle Raph, Jared." I said, tucking both of them in to bed. 

"Yeah Jared, live a little!" Winter said, tauntingly. 

"Shut up Winter, at least while I'm hanging out with Uncle Raph, I've mastered my powers! You still can manage a simple flurry with going out of control!" Jared said. 

"Jared Pitch Frost, apologized to your sister this instant!" I shouted. 

"Sorry Winter." Jared grumbled. 

"You have the temper of your Uncle Raph, I really need to have a talk with him. Your 4 years old and yet you talk like your a grown up." I said. 

Then Jack entered the room and wrapped his arm around my waist. 

"Hey snowflake, are the kids ready for bed yet?" Jack asked. 

"Yes, snowball, they are, but Jared has Uncle Raph's attitude." I said. 

"No I do not!" Jared said. 

"Jared, you are only proving my point. Time to go to bed, both of you." I said. kissing both Jared and Winter on the forehead. 

"Goodnight my little flurries." Jack said. 

"Goodnight father." Winter and Jared said in unison. 

"Goodnight my angels." I said. 

"Goodnight mother." Winter and Jared said in unison. 

I closed the door to their room and I breathed a sigh of relief. 

"I'm so glad that is over with, now we can get some sleep." I said, yawning. 

"Yeah, let's get some sleep, snowflake." Jack said as he carried me to bed and cuddled me into his chest like he did every night since we got married. 

"Remind me in the morning that I need to talk with Uncle Raph about Jared. I love you snowball." I said, closing my eyes. 

"I will, I love you too, snowflake." Jack said and we both fell asleep. 

Third person POV

After a long talk with Raphael about him and Jared, Raphael promised to help Jared open up and not be such a stick in the mud. 

It took them a little and finally Jared was more like Jack than ever, he was always playing pranks and playing with Winter more than ever. 

Winter learned to master her powers in just a few years and Eri and Jack were so proud of their children. 

Pitch and Aurora were still married and they made amends. 

Raphael found love in a angel from his army division named Bianca Heavens and they had a son named Alfred Eric Light. 

The guardians, North, Tooth, Bunny and Sandy continued their lives as usual. 

North had Mrs. Claus and they were very happy together. 

Tooth and her fairies continued to collect the teeth and she was happy. 

Bunny found a pooka like him named Hope Hoffers and they had a daughter named Giana Eri Bunnymund. (If you didn't know Bunny's real name is E. Aster Bunnymund)  

Sandy, like Tooth continued his work, giving good dreams to the children of the world. 

Everyone was happy and the darkness was finally gone and the children never had nightmares again. 

That brings this story to its happy conclusion. 

"Or does it?" Pitch said. 

"Shut up Father, don't worry young ones, the story IS at its happy ending and NO ONE will be bothering you while you sleep, right Father?" Eri asked. 

"Yes, dear, I just wanted to have a little fun." Pitch grumbled the last part. 

"Is Pitch bothering the young ones again?" Aurora asked. 

"Not anymore Mother." Eri said. 

"Mother, who are you talking to?" Winter and Jared asked in unison. 

"I was talking to the young ones. Your grandfather was trying to scare them." Eri said. 

"Oh poor things, don't worry, Grandfather Pitch is a real softy once you get to know him." Winter said. 

"Winter! You're ruining your grandfather's rep." Pitch said. 

"Pitch, you don't have a rep and you are a softy." Jack said. 

"Don't make me regret letting you marry my daughter, Frost." Pitch said. 

"Father! Knock it off, you're making the epilogue too long!" Eri said. 

"Right sorry, dear." Pitch said. 

"Bye everyone and have great dreams!" They all said in unison, while Winter and Jared waved. 




I really hope you all enjoyed this last chapter of my ROTG Fanfiction and thank you so much for the love you are showing my book. 

I love you all so much and thank you again! 

Have a good night, my little guardians!

Jack Frost and Eri BlackWhere stories live. Discover now