Collecting the teeth

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I smirk when North said 'we go hunting' and then we were going through Shanghai with Tooth telling us where the teeth were. 

I was flying right next to Jack while Bunny was on the side of Jack, hopping from rooftop to rooftop. 

"Hop it rabbit, I'm five teeth ahead of you!" Jack cheered. 

"Yeah, whatever, just wait and you'll see that I'll be ahead of both of you." Bunny said. 

"Oh? Is that a challenge, cottontail?" Jack asked. 

"Do you not remember last time? I beat you and I will again. You don't want to challenge a rabbit, anyway." Bunny said. 

"This time will be different!" Jack said. 

I just let the boys bicker, while I was collecting one kid's tooth, I could tell he was having a nightmare. I put my hand against his forehead so I could see into his nightmare. 

The kid's name was Michael and I had helped him many times before with his fear of lightning and thunder. 

Michael had lost him mother do to a lightning strike when he was only 3 years old and it was after the lightning strike killed his mother that he heard thunder for the first time. 

I see Michael curled up in a ball and a thundercloud over his head. 

I walk over to him and shoo away the thundercloud and put a hand on Michael's shoulder. 

"Where's that brave Michael I once knew, huh?" I asked. 

"Eri!" Michael exclaimed as he hugged me tight, crying into my chest. 

"It's great to see you too, Michael. Do you remember the nursery rhyme we used to sing when you were younger?" I asked. 

Michael nodded and so I started humming 'Rain, Rain Go Away'. 

As I hummed, Michael loosened his grip on me and started to hum with me. 

When we both finished humming, Michael looked up at me and I smiled warmly at him. 

"Whenever you get scared, just remember that you will always have a person to comfort you. Your mother was an amazing woman, who made a mistake, the lightning can't hurt you as long as you stay inside during the storm and thunder is just sound, it's loud yes, but it can't hurt you. It can't scare you unless you let it scare you. You are a strong kid Michael, don't let this bring you down. The only thing that is bringing you down is fear itself. Have sweet dreams and don't forget all the times you had with your mother." I said. 

Michael nodded and his dream changed to his kitchen and his mother was making cookies. 

"Go on, you wanna lick the spoon, don't you?" I asked and Michael ran to his mother. 

Jack POV  

We finished collecting the teeth from all over the world, ending with Shanghai. We all are on a rooftop and we have our bags full of teeth. Sandy's being the smallest, mine being a bit bigger, Kangaroo's being bigger than mine AGAIN, and North's being the biggest. 

"Wow, you guys are getting fast at this and this time you didn't forget to leave gifts. Wait, where's Eri?" Tooth asked. 

"I don't know, she disappeared after we passed a house." I said. 

"We should go find her, before she does something." Bunny said. 

"You're not accusing her of something, are you?" I asked. 

Jack Frost and Eri BlackWhere stories live. Discover now