Eri Meets the Guardians

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I don't own this picture! 

We look shocked as we saw the person who was chosen to be a guardian. 

"Eri Black?" North said, really confused. 

When I looked at the girl I thought she was so beautiful and I was happy that she was chosen to be a guardian. 

"Who is she?" I asked. 

"Eri Black, Pitch's little daughter. Don't let her beauty fool you, she is pure evil like her father." Bunny said, hatred laced in his words.

"How do you know that, Kangaroo? Have you ever met her?" I asked, smirking. 

"First of all, I told you not to call me that and second of all, she is Pitch's daughter, of course she would be evil!" Bunny said, annoyed. 

I didn't listen to that Kangaroo, I had a feeling she wasn't as evil as he said. 

"If she's so bad then why was chosen to be a guardian?" I asked. 

"Manny of have lost his marbles." Bunny mumbled, but I heard him. 

Kangaroo acted the same way when I was chosen. 

"Who going to get her?" North said, turning to Bunny. 

"Oh no! Don't you dare look at me! I'm not going to get that flying nightmare!" Bunny exclaimed. 

"Fine, take Jack and the yetis with you." North said. 

Bunny groaned as I smirk and we set off to find Eri. 

Eri POV 

I continued my work, helping kids fight their fears, by getting in their dreams and comforting them. I know my father would be furious if he found out, but I never really believe in his ideals. 

I just finished helping a kid by the name of Richard Advacka in London, England. 

I stopped for a break on the top of Big Ben, the biggest clocktower in England. I love the view of London from up there. 

"Well, I think the last of the children, I should really be heading back before the sun rises." I said. 

I flew straight down and pulled up before I could hit the ground and flew through the city like a flash. 

I suddenly saw something fly past me when I stopped on a rooftop and I gasped. 

I got cautious as I tried to follow it, but I could tell who it was. 

I lost sight of it right in front of an alleyway, then I smirked. 

"Father, is that you? If you think you can scare me, it's not working just so you know!" I said out loud. 

I got no response, I started to get a bad feeling that it wasn't my father so I tried again. 

"Father, really this isn't funny! Come out and show yourself!" I said out loud again. 

"Hello Sheila." I hear someone say behind me in the alleyway. 

I turn around and get in my fighting position. 

"Come out and show yourself! You think I'm afraid of you?! Well guess what, buddy, I'm not afraid of anything!" I exclaimed. 

The figure snickered and came out of the shadow to reveal... The Easter Bunny! 

"It's been a long time hasn't it? The blackout of '65 wasn't it? Easter Sunday, right?" Bunny asked me. 

"Bunnymund? You're not still mad about that are you? I guess my powers just..slipped, my bad." I said, with a snicker. 

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