Getting Caught

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The guardians are going to my father's lair to get the fairies and the teeth back. 

We get to my father's lair and I see the teeth, right where I thought they'd be and the fairies are right above us. 

I fly up to one of the cages and the fairies start squeaking in happiness. 

"Shh! Shh! I know you want to get out, but you need to keep it down; my father could come back at any moment." I whispered to the fairies. 

The fairies listened to me and kept quiet as the guardians collected the teeth boxes, then I hear Jack call out to me. 

"Eri! I found your memories!" Jack shouted. 

I flew down next to Jack and I saw my memories in a little box. 

Imagine it's Eri's face instead of Jack's 

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Imagine it's Eri's face instead of Jack's 

 I was at a lost for words, I couldn't believe I was about to find out what happened to my mother. 

"You are sure this will explain everything?" I asked, looking at Tooth, then back at the memories in Jack's hands. 

"I will explain most of what happened and once you hear the rest of the story, it will make sense." Tooth said. 

Jack handed me my memories and I took them with shaking hands. 

I look at my memories and then at the guardians with a warm smile. 

"I can't thank you enough, without you I wouldn't be here now. I never thought I would see the day where I would have found my memories or finally be able to find out who I am meant to be." I said. 

"Go on, open it and find out who you really are." Jack said. 

I look back at my memories and was about to open them when I hear a voice and I knew I was in deep trouble. 

"I never thought I would see this day either, my child." I heard my father say. 

Jack grabbed my arm and pulled me behind him. 

"Father, please! I can explain the situation!" I shouted.

"You don't need to, my dear little girl, you don't need to. I know all about your work and I was going to let that slide, but when I found that you were working with the guardians, our sworn enemies, I thought I was going to go mad. You are like your mother in so many ways, you know that?" My father said, pointing at me. 

"My mother? Why are you bringing her into this?! She has nothing to do with what I'm doing!" I said, getting angry. 

"You are leaving me just like your mother!" My father yelled at me. 

I got out of Jack's grip and I stand in front of the guardians. 

"I never believed in bringing fear to children in the first place. I told all those things about doing your work because I didn't want you to think I was going to 'the wrong side'. Your side is the wrong side and it always has been. My mother left you because you're crazy and now I see it too! I will find my mother and there is nothing you can do to stop me! You will never harm children on my watch because unlike you children actually believe in me! They don't fear me; they trust me! They pour their fears on to me and I help them see the light! They put their faith in me and I won't let them down!" I shout at my father. 

My father and the guardians looked at me in shock and I released the fairies and me and the guardians got of there before my father could even think about what I just said. 

I shocked myself, I've never talk to my father like that. 

We get back to Tooth Palace and I sit down on my knees, still processing what just happened. 

I feel a small hand on my shoulder. I look back, see Sandy with a smile on his face and I smile back. 

"Did I really just say all that to my own father?" I asked myself out loud. 

"Yeah, Eri, you did just say all that to Pitch." Jack said. 

"I can't believe I said that. I've never talked that way to my father before and now I'm worried that I made my father's craziness even worse." I said, worried. 

"Wake up and smell the flowers, Sheila; you don't get that feeling very often." Bunny said. 

"Is that supposed to be a good thing? You guys don't understand, my father, when he's over the edge, you can't talk him out of it; trust me, I know." I said, looking down. 

"My father got back from his last battle with you guys and he was so mad and crazy at the same time. I tried talking to him as he ended up slashing me in the stomach. When he snapped out of it, I was on the ground in pain, tears threatening to spill out. We made up after many hours of 'sorry' and 'I'll never do it again'. I don't want to be, but I'm afraid of my own father." I explained and the guardians looked at me with shocked expressions. 

Jack was the first to snap out of his trance and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into a hug. 

I hugged back with a smile on my face. I looked up with my eyes at Bunny and Tooth who were smirking at me. I blushed and buried my face in the crook of Jack's neck. 

Jack POV   

I was shocked that Eri got attacked by Pitch, her own father. I hugged her, my arms around her waist. 

She hugged back me back and after a few seconds I feel her snuggle her face into the crook of my neck and I started blushing. 

Eri broke the hug, I turned around I see Bunny and Tooth smirking at Eri and me. 

"Okay, can we stop with the smirking so I can finally see my memories." Eri said, changing the subject pretty quickly. 

"Okay then, go ahead Eri." North said. 

Eri looks at her memories, takes a deep breath and opens them. 




See you tomorrow!

Jack Frost and Eri BlackWhere stories live. Discover now