The Final Battle

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Pitch POV

My dear daughter thought I was bluffing, that I didn't know where her dear mother was. I knew that her mother was alive the whole time. I always knew about my daughter's work against me, her being chosen as a guardian, her believers, everything. She never knew that I was watching her from the time I allowed to leave my liar to now.(stalker daddy)

I think it's time I pay little visit to my dear wife. 

Aurora POV

I was starting to get worried, Eri has been gone for a really long time and she should have been back by now. 

"I'm getting worried, she should've been back by now." I said, pacing back and forth in the globe room of North's workshop. 

"Don't worry Aurora, Eri's a strong and stubborn young lady, she won't back down in a fight." Jack said. 

"You're right Jack, thank you, but I'm still worried, mother's instincts. I just got her back, I can't lose her again." I said. 

"I'm afraid, you already have, Aurora, my dear." I heard a voice, that I knew all too well. 

"Pitch! Where's my daughter?!" I shouted. 

"Don't you mean 'our daughter', my dear? After all, who raised her after you abandoned her?" Pitch asked. 

"I never abandoned my daughter! You threatened me and her! You lied to her about me! You turned her against the guardians, her friends." I shouted at him. 

"Tell me, my dear, who does Eri look more alike out of the two of us? My eyes, my hair and my powers. She may have your wings and your stubbornness but that's all she has from you." Pitch said. 

"You're wrong, unlike Eri has people who care and believe in her, children love her instead of her fear her and she has amazing friends. She has the biggest heart I have ever seen in a person. She's not power-hungry like you; she never will be like you!" Jack said. 

"She may have your darkness, but she has my wings and my light abilities. Unlike you, my daughter has a heart!" I shout. 

"How...cute....oh and would you look at that, she's here. Hello my dear little girl." Pitch said. 

Eri POV 

"How...cute....oh and would you look at that, she's here. Hello my dear little girl." I hear my father say as I enter the room. 

My mother turns to me and I smile at her as I walk up to stand beside her. 

"Hello, you insane psychopath." I said, sarcastically. 

"Why, my dear, how could you say such a thing to your own father?" Pitch asked, overdramatically. 

"One: stop it with the drama and two: you are not my father! Fathers don't lie and manipulate their children!" I shouted, blasting him with a light beam that hit him in the shoulder.

Pitch winced in pain and then looked at me with hurt in his eyes, but then looks at my mother with angry eyes.

I saw it and I put my arm in front of my mother, protectively. 

"I know those eyes, Pitch; you will not touch my mother, my friends or the children." I said with determination. 

"Oh, my dear little Eri, have you forgotten I trained you in combat? I know all your moves, sense they are my own." Pitch said, smirking. 

Jack Frost and Eri BlackWhere stories live. Discover now