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matthew felt numb. his ass hurt so bad he could barely get out of his bed and his head throbbed in pain. he managed to prop himself up, pulling the covers off of him to see that he was fully dressed in clothes that he wouldn't have dressed himself up in. his sheets had dried up stains on them when he ran his hand across the wet blotches.

no way.

the room smelled like brown sugar. does that mean? did that mean? matthew freaked out, climbing off the bed and feeling his legs almost give out as he ran to the bathroom. he looked at his reflection in the mirror, touching his face, his neck that was filled with red dickies, down to his stomach. he couldn't believe it.

him and jiwoong fucked in his room last night. was he too drunk to even realized what was happening? it was too late now. what did jiwoong think of him? its been so long since he's had sex with someone and he didn't know if jiwoong found out he was an omega with the copious amount of slick he produces compared to betas.

"seok matthew, wake up," matthew couldn't bring himself to believe it, smacking his checks with his hands several times until he woke up, but still found himself in the same position. he let out a groan, or more like a cry, "seok matthew, you idiot!"

he hated how he couldn't remember anything. all he felt was pain, and somehow he was clean. there was no dried up cum in him, or well, he didn't feel any, and he felt as if he didn't go to a party last night and get drunk and sweaty. did jiwoong clean him up? matthew flushed red all across his cheeks and on the tips of his ears as he assessed each hickey individually, grazing his fingertips over the developing red splotches on his skin.

his clothes smelled like laundry detergent with a hint of brown sugar. he froze in his spot, comb still partially in his hair as he tried to get ready to go to class, even though he was already late. did jiwoong smell his scent in his room? his creme brûlée smell wasn't obvious, but he wasn't prone in using scent patches at home, so his scent would sometimes slip onto things like his clothes and bedsheets.

matthew knew. matthew knew jiwoong didn't like omegas. he heard it from ricky and hanbin when they were telling him about jiwoong. nonetheless, the alpha was popular on campus anyways, being a business major with a concentration in finance. with rich parents and a physique like that, any omega would want to have an alpha like that. except, jiwoong didn't ever hook up with omegas. he didn't know why the alpha didn't like omegas, but he heard around that it was because he had a bad past with them or something got him traumatized with omegas that they've never seen him date or hook up with one.

he managed to get himself ready, already missing his first morning class that he had no idea why he signed up for when he can barely get up everyday for it. he quickly threw his sheets into the laundry before he left, throwing on a white sweater and blue baggy jeans he found in his closet and headed to school. he took his daily dose of pills, consisting of scent blockers, heat suppressants, and adding in painkillers for the headache he had.

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