Chapter 2 | What's going on

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"So it appears that-" Peter was interrupted

"I can see.. there's no way" Miguel says surprised he didn't noticed sooner

Spider-Man Headquarters 9:46 pm

"I didn't think it would happen this quick somehow I still don't know who it is-" Miguel says

"Well I'll keep looking Miguel, you shouldn't overwork yourself who knows what we're looking for might be right in front of us" Peter says then he starts his walk to leave Miguel's lair.

Miguel actually takes a second to think about what Peter said 'what if what we're looking for is right infront of us' but he eventually rubs it off and goes back to doing his so called work.

Nueva York Earth-541B 4:00am

You woke up realizing you went to bed earlier then normal. Now looking at the clock you see that it's exactly 4:00am this was the earliest you've ever woken up especially since you're always sleeping in but it was too early for your liking. After tossing and turning trying to go back to sleep you give up and decide to go watch T.V as you got up you got hit with the biggest pain you've had since that 'incident' in the alleyway and it reminded you of that time either way it wasn't a good feeling and you were hoping you wouldn't have to feel it again until now. You fell trying to get out the bed and you were worried that you made too much noise the pain was to immense so you just sat on the floor after awhile you started to feel 'different' you got up and looked in the mirror in your room you looked the same and suddenly everything felt fine it was weird. You stood up checked your body arms to hands then that's when shit hit the fan.


then you got scared someone heard you which in fact someone did it was your bestie they heard you and came running in and you started to panicked.

"Ha- ha w-who made a mess with my vans.." you said trying to cover for yourself.

"Why are you screaming at 4:00am about vans I was actually worried for a sec." They say then they leave the room.

You were happy that your friend was kind of dumb and gullible even though you wish at the same time they weren't but in this situation you practically thanked good that it worked. Now back at the task at hand there's white web stuff in your hand and the fact that it came out your hand was freaking you out and you didn't know what to do. In the end you decided to clean everything up and try to forget everything just happened you got back into bed and tried to fall asleep eventually doing so.

Nueva York Earth-541B 2:07pm

You woke up surprised how late it was but after last night you were glad that you were at least able to go back to sleep. You got up and went to the kitchen as you made your way out of your room you noticed Miguel was watching T.V strange you thought

"he's usually not home always doing who knows what" you thought in your head.

but nonetheless you kept doing what you were doing and successfully made a bowl of cereal. Finally a moment of peace in this crazy life of yours you thought with each day it's a new challenge and you were glad today started off normal and hopped it ended normal as well. You decided to start looking for ways to make money whether it be a job or a side hustle you wanted to be able to help out with something instead of just taking up space. You and your friends occasionally did jam sessions sometimes in front of people for money maybe you could start doing that again but it's been awhile since you've taken part in making music but you and your band mates haven't seen each other in so long it was a good enough excuse to meet up.

You packed your stuff and left you texted your friend that you were leaving just in case they started worrying. You made sure your band mates agreed to meet up and one of them said 'they knew a spot' so that's where you were heading. After some time you made it you realized it was a bar but didn't really notice until you walked in it was a little to fancy for someone like you to be there you thought but you made your way in one of the band mates was waiting for you and lead you to were they were all at. Y'all were all talkative trying to catch up on everyone's life's and what they've been doing and after a bit y'all actually started playing. You were surprised that you still had some skill left in you, you were always multi talented but you always doubted yourself you could do anything you set your mind to and did it great but only you couldn't see that. Y'all started really getting into the groove of things and someone noticed it was the owner of the bar and he wanted y'all to perform but not for free of course he was a great businessman and he knew what y'all wanted to hear.

"The talent you guys have is incredible and it would be amazing if you guys could do some gigs for us maybe even be a live band for us?" The owner offered

he sounded like he was pleading desperate for us to play maybe that was a tactic but one word would change your whole mind.

"Of course for a price I'm no beggar" he said

You practically jumped at the word price, price equaled money and you needed money but right before you were going to say okay one of the band mates jumped in.

"How much" one of the band mates said they were smart and knew that businessmen could also be shady.

"Whatever amount trust me I'm not a hustler I just do good business" the owner says back he sounds sincere and nobody overthinks it for any longer and they all agree.

Nueva York Earth-541B 6:00pm

After figuring out what songs you would all play you all gather on the stage. It wasn't big or anything just the size most stages would be in bars like the ones comedians preform on. That helps ease your somewhat worrying especially because it has been a long time since you've played let alone played for a crowd other than today but you couldn't back down now. You and your band mates got ready on stage and got everything set. You always took a glance at the crowd just to know what you were dealing with before playing as you were looking you saw that weird guy Miguel was it? Why would someone like him he here but you didn't want to get caught off track so once you were done with that everyone was ready and you all started playing.

You didn't expect the crowd to react so well and didn't expect the band to come together so well but it all came together in the end. While you were playing the last song Creatures in Heaven by Glass Animals. You all were really feeling it, it was by far the best performance of the night and right at the last words you made eye contact with Miguel. Your heart was already racing but that just added to it. You all thanked the crowd and made your way backstage the owner congratulated all of you and payed you of course then you all said your goodbyes and went home it

"That was a freaking long day" you said to yourself. But you didn't forget the way you felt after starting into those eyes it was strange why that made you feel all 'fuzzy' and you couldn't shake the feeling and you thought about it the rest of the walk home.

Nueva York Earth-541B 8:57pm

You finally made it home after a long and exhausting day.

"Congratulations that was a good show" your friends says

"You were there?" You say back slightly surprised

"Yea I brought Miguel with me" they say back

"That's why he was there" you thought. Maybe you didn't notice your friend because you were too distracted by Miguel's presence nonetheless you thanked him and went to shower and went to bed. For once you got a good night of sleep.

The ways in which life turned out for me to meet you | Miguel x male reader Where stories live. Discover now