Chapter 9 | cats out the bag

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Spidey-headquarters Miguel's room
02/05/23 8:00am

I woke up wrapped in Miguel's arm. It was a feeling I could definitely get used to. I looked up at him, who was playing with my hair and just admiring me.

"Sorry, did I wake you up Príncipe?" Miguel asks as he stops playing with my hair.

"It's okay, I woke up on my own," I replied. Soon after, Miguel gets a notification from his watch.

"Hmm. . It seems Lyla has your suit ready," Miguel says. "She wants you to have it as soon as possible," he finishes. I nod in agreement and finally get up to brush my teeth etc. Miguel had finished before me and then left to do something, then I finished soon after. I leave the bathroom to go into the kitchen to make something to eat and Miguel is already cooking something. I looked over his shoulder to see what it was and it was bacon and eggs. I frowned slightly because I didn't see any pancakes, but I was grateful that he was making me food.

"What's wrong?" Miguel asked.

"Nothing, I'm just not a fan of bacon, I love pancakes more, but it's okay." I said back. I didn't want to sound ungrateful.

"Are you sure? I can make some." Miguel replies.

"Yeah it's fine, I'll eat anything, but next time I want to taste the best pancakes in the world." I said with a little smile. I just had a feeling he could make the best pancakes in the world.

"Deal," Miguel laughs back, his laugh was so cute I don't think I'll ever get used to it. Miguel finishes cooking and we sit down to eat. No words were exchanged, just us eating our food and enjoying each other's company in silence. We finished as quickly as we started and put our dishes in the sink. Miguel seemed to be the type to let the dishes pile up because he would go straight to work and not worry about them later, so I did them so he wouldn't have to worry about them today.

"Thanks baby," Miguel says now, hugging me from behind with his head on my shoulder.

"Y-you're welcome Miguel," I stutter slightly, these pet names always got me.

"After you're done we'll go get your suit" Miguel says now leaving to go out some clothes on. I nod in agreement and quickly finish the dishes so we can leave. Miguel opens a portal to his lair and we both walk through it.

Spidey-headquarters Miguel's lair
02/05/23 9:58am

We arrived and Miguel went straight to his platform that led him to all his screens and monitors. It always weirdly amazed me and I still don't know why. But Lyla soon interrupted my amazement.

"Oh! [name] here is your suit" Lyla says as she hands it to me. "I can only imagine why you needed a new one~" she continues.

"Lyla!" Miguel protests.

"I guess that answers my suspicions, so why didn't you tell me Miguel- oh! I'm so sad you even planned the wedding without me~" Lyla keeps going.

"Cause you would do this! Ugh" Miguel finishes and focuses back on his many screens. I just tried to hold my laughs in the whole time, eventually Lyla said bye to us and left before Miguel exploded. I left to go put my suit on because wearing casual clothes in HQ felt so wrong and I was wearing Miguel's clothes which Lyla probably seen. Once I was finished I didn't know what I wanted to do next so I went to go meet up with Hobie and the rest.

Eventually I found them in the caf per usual and asked if they were up to do anything my treat. These were probably the only kids I would ever hang out with and they are almost adults so it didn't feel like they were children.

The ways in which life turned out for me to meet you | Miguel x male reader Where stories live. Discover now