Chapter 7 | our little secret?

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It was surreal me and Miguel were actually dating now. It just didn't feel.. real. I needed someone to tell about this, but quickly questioning myself. Could I tell anyone about this. I mean we didn't really discuss whether we should tell people or not, overall it was probably better not too for work. So I guess this was just our little secret.

But it was truly hard to not tell people as I went about. I wanted to brag and show the world the Miguel was mine, yes spider-man 2099. Just thinking about him could make me giggle and kick my feet while staring at pictures of him in my phone. Not like a I do that anyway or something-

Spidey-headquarters cafeteria
02/04/23 12:10pm

I soon get dragged out of my thoughts as usual by Miles and the rest of them.

"Whatchu thinking about?" Miles asked.

"Oh it's nothing miles" I said back, but Hobie looked like he knew that wasn't true. But we quickly moved on and started to catch up on our daily lives.

"So how's life [name]" Gwen asked me and quite frankly I was surprised by that question.

"Well it was pretty shit at first. But it's getting better" I said, it was way more to it than that but I didn't want to burden these kids with my problems.

"It will get better- for all of us" Miles says solemnly, but reassuringly.

"I sure hope so" Gwen chimes in. And we continued chatting about meaningless things that gave meaning to our lives and gave us hope. After a while of talking I recognize a figure approaching our table in the Caf, what I liked to call it. A figure I knew all too well.

"Hey Miguel. What's a man like you doing here?" Miles said trying to make small talk. It was painfully obvious that he was nervous, but who wouldn't be when you were chased by a man like that on all fours. Miguel just ignored him keeping his eyes on me the whole time. It was hard to keep my composure.

"Oh boss man's out his cave init" Hobie says in his same expression which made it more amusing. It seemed my little chuckle at that made Miguel a little jealous.

"I am assigning all of you a mission that I will be supervising" Miguel finally speaks in his monotone voice. "Everyone my office in 15" his last words were before he went through a portal.

"I blame Miles" Gwen says with a little laugh.

"Hey!" Miles says back defeated. And we soon prepare for this unfairly timed mission.

Miguel and I haven't been in a mission together in a long time, so I was a little worry especially since the others didn't know about us, nonetheless I got suited up and and made my way to his office. Everyone was there already even Pavitr which surprised me because he wasn't with the rest of them in the caf. I arrived last. Something I noticed Miguel only tolerated because it was me.

"You're late. . . Again, as per usual" Miguel says to me as I walk in. Time always got ahead of me. It wasn't my fault.

"Oh- I'm sorry Miguel~" I pleaded. Was I sorry, probably not, would he do anything about it, never.

"Sorry's are not going to cut it- Anyway" Miguel says quickly dismissing my behavior and going on about the dumb mission. All we were doing is going to go survey this universe, busy work if you ask me. After he was done talking we all go through the portal he opened.

The ways in which life turned out for me to meet you | Miguel x male reader Where stories live. Discover now