Chapter 10 | the day

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Spidey-headquarters your room
02/06/23 10:30am

The shrill sound of the alarm jolted me awake. As I checked the time and date on my phone, the plans I had made the previous day came flooding back.

"Oh shit, today's my birthday!" I yelped, springing out of bed and prancing around like an idiot. Nonetheless, it was time to be productive for the day. After showering and eating, I checked in with the core team to see if any missions were available for me.

"Oh hey, [name]!" Peter greeted as he turned to face me.

"Hey Peter," I replied.

"What brings you here, amor?" Miguel asked, also turning towards me.

I felt a flush of embarrassment at the sudden term of endearment. "J-Just here to take missions," I stuttered.

"It's alright, amor, today's your day," he said, walking closer. "Also, happy birthday to my lovely boyfriend, who I will forever be so truly grate-" He paused as I interrupted him, whispering in my ear.

"Yes, thank you, Miguel. But it's fine, I can still take a mission or two," I replied.

"No, I'm not letting you," Miguel interjected.

"But I insist," I countered.



"How about we all just listen to our boss?" Peter interrupted. He walked up to me and whispered, "You won't win against him, just agree," then played it off as if he had said something else. "Right, [name]?"

"Yes, whatever," I halfheartedly agreed.

"Good, now Peter..." Miguel continued, launching into a rant about what he wanted Peter to do instead. I quickly checked my watch to see a notification from Miles. "Party starts at 9 pm, location Place X. Be there or be square!"It was still only 11 am, so I could wait to get ready for the party and give Sam more time for my suit.

I mentally saved the message for later and set an alarm for 6 pm. With so much downtime, I went to Miguel's office, hoping he wouldn't be there so I could find a mission to take behind his back. Once I arrived and saw he wasn't there, I quickly searched for available missions. Bingo! There was one in my universe. Perfect!

"Ooo, what're you doing?" Lyla popped in. "Just shh for me, I'll get you a pair of new glasses," I pleaded.

"I didn't see nun," Lyla replied before disappearing.

Great, I soon filled out the mission criteria and headed to my universe.

Nueva York Earth-541B
02/06/23 12:50pm

I abruptly found myself back in my home universe. Checking my watch, I saw that the mission was straightforward: stop a group of villains. No big deal. I quickly suited up and followed the watch's tracker to their location. Spotting them was easy—they were dressed in such flamboyant, bright colors that they practically had aposematic coloration. They definitely caught my eye, but not in a good way.

Handling them was disappointingly simple. Even with three against one, they didn't manage to land a single hit. I called a random spider to take them in, avoiding sending them back myself so Miguel wouldn't realize I had been gone.

Once an ally arrived, I changed back into my civilian clothes. I found myself at a loss for what to do next. The villains had been too easy, and now I was back to square one—boredom.

"Ding!" My watch went off again. Why was everyone blowing up my phone today?

"Where are you right now?" Miguel texted. I couldn't leave it unread; he'd find me anyway. But telling the truth was risky.

The ways in which life turned out for me to meet you | Miguel x male reader Where stories live. Discover now