Chapter 8 | still our little secret

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Warning: slight sexual content

Spidey-headquarters training facility
02/04/23 5:55pm

Miguel says with a smirk. "Because I won't hold back".

Now, currently running away from the raging beast that treads closer to me. Maybe I started a fight I couldn't finish, but I wasn't going to back down now.

"Just because you got away doesn't mean anything!" Miguel yelled as he was some distance behind me.

"Well seeing as that I am currently some distance from you. . It in fact means something" I sarcastically announced in a snarky voice. Oh he didn't like that. Not at all. He started to run faster at my snarky remark.

"Ooh come on, only one can run so fast!" I shouted the exhaustion becoming apparent in my voice. As much as I was spider-man, I wasn't as much of a runner of course I could do it, but I was better at hand to hand combat compared to most spider-man who balance both, but use their webs more.

"Fight me [name] just like you so graciously asked. I know you can't run for ever" Miguel says in that smug tone.

"Making fun of my weaknesses, like I'm not already aware, that was your first mistake." I say, as I'm soon hit the corner, I'm gone right before his damn good looking eyes. Of course I had a plan, I wasn't going to run away from someone like him for no reason.

"Shit. . where'd he go?" Miguel says confused on how I was suddenly gone. Right as he was so close. It made him annoyed.

I could hear him stop running, he was walking now. "You can't hide from me~" Miguel shouted still in that smug tone, I just kept quiet. I could hear him getting closer to me.

"Gotcha" Miguel said, at least he thought he got me. Within seconds my web trap goes off, it wasn't anything special and it wouldn't keep a man like him down for long but I still did a got damn good job for even tricking him in the first place.

"It seems I'm the one that got you" I laugh off, but my victory is short lived. Like I said that trap couldn't hold a man like him for long.

"Once the opponent starts to boast, they've already loss" Miguel chuckles, I guess he was the on with the last laugh because he immediately ripped his way out of the webs and lunge onto me pinning back to the ground. "I have to admit it was a nice try though" Miguel says.

"Fuck. . it's not my fault you're a human tank" I express. The pressure from him being one top of me was started to get to my head and I was starting to lose common sense.

"I guess that's what you like hm?" Miguel says clearly getting a kick out of this, he knew what he was doing to me. I had to figure out a way to get out of his grasp soon before my body stop cooperating with me, but every time I tried to move his groin would rub up against me.

"Mi amor. ." Miguel breathlessly mumble. Was he getting turned on from me trying to escape, no- it was cause our position right now. I wasn't sure what to do or think in this moment. I was a hot mess at this point too.

I tried to move one last time but it was no use. Miguel tightened his grip on my hands to keep me still, signaling to give up. "Give in mi amor" Miguel said as he started to kiss me passionately, it felt like he had been waiting for this moment for ever.

The ways in which life turned out for me to meet you | Miguel x male reader Where stories live. Discover now