Chapter 5 | learning

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"We will start with basic web control" the older man speaks. He then first demonstrates how to shoot and manipulate the webs.

"So.. like this?" You asked followed by shooting your 'first web' not counting the incident. And it was pretty good too even Miguel was shocked.

"Yes exactly now keep that in mind we will elaborate to that now" the older says.

He walks over to you and grabs your hand fixing and shaping them to his liking making sure they're in the correct position. "Your hands want to be oriented like this" he says moving your hands if need be.

"O-okay.." I said. The random hand grabbing and touching caught me off guard. But I had a chance to observe his big calloused hands of course they were veiny too. I should probably stop staring before it becomes obvious.

A hour or two has passed and at this point you would consider yourself a pro now. You could already shoot and use your webs and could climb the buildings. You were a quick learner and Miguel once again was shocked on how you improved in such little time.

"Alright that's enough for today you are excused. Don't forget still here at 10am." Miguel spoke.

"Awe really.. but I did so good today~" I said in my most convincing 'please I would do anything to not go' voice.

"F-fine.. I will reschedule it for later" Miguel said slightly flustered. He was surprised by what you said. I guessed the voice worked.

You soon skipped off happy that you didn't have to get up early tomorrow, honestly you weren't expecting him to actually agree even if you still had to go tomorrow at some point.

"Miggy~ " the voice Miguel dread to hear right now Lyla. Miguel decided to just ignore her antics for now and make his way back to his lair.

"Cmon! we both know you don't agree to others that easily" she chimes in rubbing the salt in the wound.

"It's nothing I just agreed for once nothing serious" Miguel says nonchalantly.

"Nothing serious.. Miguel you never say anything but no to everyone even Peter" Lyla says back.

"Actually I said ok to one of his proposals recently" Miguel expresses in his monotone voice. For the first time even Lyla was dumbfounded just for a bit.

"You sure are something but I see right through you Mr. Miguel O'Hara." Lyla's last words were before she disappeared. "I don't know how [name] doesn't" she uttered to herself.

Your 'apartment' spidey-headquarters 9:00pm

I made it back to my apartment immediately all the exhaustion hitting my body as I step in feeling like I could collapse any moment but I still needed to shower and other basic hygiene things. So I soon go to do that first. After showering, brushing my teeth etc. I go to find some food. I soon realize that there is nothing in the fridge I check the cabinets nothing. I was quickly annoyed who ever snooped around my house back home grabbed all my stuff but didn't give me food for this damn place. Which made me think the only people who lived with me was Miguel and my best friend so it had to be Miguel that got my stuff. Besides that I had to go get some food I didn't really want to since it was late but I was starving. So once again out my apartment doors I went.

The ways in which life turned out for me to meet you | Miguel x male reader Where stories live. Discover now