Chapter 4 | confusion

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Spidey-headquarters ?:??

I wake up in a strange place, I knew this was not the place I was once at, home. I was somewhere else. I knew this because as I woke up I was surrounded in a cage like box. The bars were glowing red and looked hot to the touch so I just sat there confused on what I should do, but what could I possibly do, anyway I was locked in a cage for what god knows reason. After awhile I heard some walking and chatter in the distance it was getting closer to where I was even though I did not see anyone yet. I don't know maybe it was a hunch or a feeling, but I knew something was coming. I quickly be proven correct as this big man approaches the cage thing I was in. Of course the only big guy it could be was Miguel.

"This cage is not comfortable, so let's maybe cut the crap and get to why I'm even here" I said which I probably shouldn't have, but I was done with all this stuff I just wanted to go to sleep and not in the forceful way.

He lets out somewhat of a laugh if that's what you could even consider it and walks closer to the cage now in front of it.

"I don't know who you think you are, but here I make the rules. So you are going to do what I say when I say it and therefore be put where I tell you when I tell you and will stay there as planned". He says as he lets a deep breath out.

"But since you want to get right to the chase I guess we can start with why you are even here anyway". He says as he looks around for a chair.

"Do you understand that you could have almost broken the canon" he says after finding his chair.

I quite frankly don't understand but I was just gonna go with it.

"You should have told me as SOON as you got bit. Not waiting until someone else figured out. You're lucky no villains have gotten to you yet-" he say furiously he was very passionate on this subject and just wouldn't stop talking. After he was done I was just worried about getting out of here.

"So can I leave now" I asked, obviously I was in the wrong for doing so as he had a contorted face at the meer thought of me leaving.

"LEAVE. No you cannot LEAVE!" You are a spider-man now you have responsibilities to carry so now you will stay here and learn from the best. He said like it was the obvious.

"Well.. at least let me out of this thing whatever it is. It feels like MK ultra in here."I said waiting for his response.

"You got a lot to say" he says back. Then he summons that girl again to take me to my room.

Hi I'm Lyla I'll be showing you around and stuff just three VERY important rules that I NEED you to not forget. One remember everywhere I show you. Two here's this watch don't lose it and NEVER take it off. And Three DO NOT make Miguel mad or you will regret it so no more snarky remarks. Alrighty let's go. Lyla says to me and she soon is already on her way out.

She reminded me of one of those employees that are basically running to take you to the isle that you were trying to find and I was speed running to try and keep up with her and trying to remember every place she showed me. After our tour she showed me to my room said her goodbyes and told me to be at the training room by 10am tomorrow. As I made myself comfortable I started looking around in this what it seemed like apartment. There was a clock so I finally had some sense of time. It read 4:10pm.

After getting settled in I decided to go take a much needed shower. After I got out most of my stuff from home was here which was weird, I guess Miguel was serious about me 'not going anywhere' but since I had this watch he couldn't really stop me... well maybe he could but just not immediately. Anyways, I just forget about it and look for clothes I put some boxers on then shorts and a t-shirt because I was always so unnecessarily hot. If it were up to me I would wear just my boxers but I'm not comfortable in this place.

The ways in which life turned out for me to meet you | Miguel x male reader Where stories live. Discover now