12. Amar breathes his last 🩸

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The following chapter has detailed description of a murder.

Yuddhjeet POV

"What is the plan, Rajmata?" Amar asked in a shaky voice.

My mother looked at me and brought out something from below the table. She placed in the table and it was Devgarh's royal stamp.

"Plan is simple. We have been kidnapping physically challenged girls from the ashram of Devgarh for many years. They are brought to Vijaygarh and then, we supply them illegally all across the world. They become sex slaves there and we get our income. Now, if someone starts investigating this case seriously someday, we can get caught. Vishwaroop is worried for these lost girls. This is something Yuddhjeet had informed me after having a conversation with him. He is busy in the preparations of marriage right now, but I'm very sure that once this ceremony is over, he is going to investigate upon this case seriously and then we'll have no escape. My dear boys! You added fuel to this fire by raping and killing that stupid Sukanya and now people there are worried about women safety."

We both looked downwards while she continued

"We have the official letter where it is clearly mentioned that Vijaygarh is the supplier of these women, but I have replaced the name 'Vijaygarh' by 'Devgarh' in that. And since I have their royal stamp now, Devgarh will be framed against this trafficking, not us."

We both looked at her with surprised expressions as she continued

"Three problems will be sorted with this one move. First, nobody will ever question us on this case. Second, we will turn the public against Vishwaroop and get him executed. Third, nobody will remain alive to hinder our business at the ports."

I and Amar looked at each other and we both smiled together.

"Brilliant idea, mother! You're amazing." I said with excitement.

She simply smiled and stood up from her place. She reached the bowl where sealing liquid was kept. It was a special liquid that solidified when it  came in contact with air. She inserted the royal stamp of Devgarh into that liquid after opening its lid and placed it carefully on the folded letter. This was the same letter that had mentions of women trafficking and now it was proven that Vishwaroop was behind all this.

"Take it to the judiciary Amar. Ask them to announce a session as soon as possible." My mother commanded Amar.

He kept his gaze low and took the letter from her and left. He seemed upset and ill.

My mother asked me to leave and I left. I asked an attendee to send Amar to my chamber. I wanted to spend some time with him. Tonight was his last night I knew.

He came and we started discussing our past while enjoying the drinks. With passing hours, he was turning older. We kept discussing the girls we raped and killed and time flew. It was evening and his condition started worsening. He started coughing badly and his hair had become grey. Wrinkles were visible on his face.

Our dinner arrived at our chamber, but he couldn't eat anything. His teeth were loosening. I had my dinner and asked an attendee to take back his. He was sitting on the couch facing the opposite direction so the attendee couldn't see him.

After some time, it became impossible for him to sit and he lied down on my bed. I could listen to the sound of anklet bells as my mother arrived in my chamber.

I could sense what was going to happen so I went pass her and closed the door of my chamber. He approached him and held his shoulders to make him sit up on the bed.

"Ple..... please Raj.....Rajmata, I'm so... sorry." I struggled to say anything and my started undoing his lower.

"My dear young man! You were exactly like your father." My mother exclaimed

She placed her mouth on her manhood. It wasn't erect this time as it had turned older in age. She grabbed it and took it in her mouth in one go.

"Nooo......noo... please. Nooooooo!" He screamed in shaky voice.

"Sixth time is my time." She took it out of her mouth only to say this and attacked it again.

She sucked on it and the placed her teeth on the inner side of it

"Samrat...... please stop her......it's hurting me." He cried in pain.

He kept looking at them and she continued her assault. She bit it tightly and started applying pressure on it.

"Nooooooo........ahhhhhhhhhh........Sam.....Samratttttttt" he cried painfully when my mother tore off his manhood from him.

She was carrying it inside her mouth. She looked into my direction and spat it off. It had turned greyish blue as if the life was extracted from it.

"Aaaaannnhhhhhhhhhhhh!" He cried at last and collapsed on my bed. He was dead.

My mother had blood around her mouth. She wiped her lower lip with her thumb and called

"Rashmi" I saw a beautiful woman coming inside my chamber.

"Clean it off" my mother ordered her and she started doing her work.

My bed and the floor had got messed up with Amar's blood . His body had turned pale and bluish in colour. His hands and legs got entangled weirdly and eyes remained open while the eyeballs were bulging out.

I walked out with my mother and she said in a low voice

"Become friends with Chetan and Purab. They are good men."

"And you want me to turn them into bad ones." I replied with a smirk.

She smiled too and we sat edge of the garden that was attached to my chamber.

"Doesn't my father miss me?" I asked my mother

She smiled and looked at me. She held my hand between hers and said

"He misses you and he loves what you're doing." She paused for some time and continued

"He just wants to see a more brutal side of yours."

We both sat silently and Rashmi came out. She bowed down her head and informed us that the chamber was clean now.

We both went inside and everything looked normal now. Amar's body had disappeared like every other prey of my mother. I knew her behaviour, but I didn't know the reason behind it.

She left for her chamber and I retired to sleep. I woke up the next morning and went straight to the judiciary after freshening up. The judiciary was convinced about Devgarh's crimes and they decided to send a summon letter to Maharaj Vishwaroop.

The day passed in a little chaos and by the evening the ministry came to know about Vishwaroop. He was given the time of three days to visit our court.

I was waiting for my dinner in my chamber when I heard someone rushing towards me.

"Samrat! My father is innocent. He cannot do anything unlawful."

Princess Chandralekha said with tears in her eyes and her breathing was fastened.

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Love you all 💜💜💜

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