31. Ranveer in Vijaygarh

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This update is the continuation of Chapter 28. Remember Ranveer had reached Vijaygarh and after working in a steel industry for one month he could finally invade the royal palace.

(4 months before the THE FINAL BATTLE)

Ranveer POV

"I would love to work with you Samrat."

I said maintaining the eye contact. Finally, I was here. I had to be very careful now since I've never been this closer to any culprit as a spy till now.

Samrat's chamber was magnificent, but dark at the same time. I got to know that tomorrow was going to be a special day but I had no idea of that.

I retired to my chamber and it seemed weird to me already.

"Who did it belong to?"

I asked Purab.

"This belonged to Chetan."

He answered

"And before him?"

I asked again

"Samrat's best friend Amar."

He said and I nodded examining the chamber carefully.

"And where did they go?"

I asked looking at him

"They disappeared!" He answered with his gaze low

"Disappeared?.....and no one tried to find them?"

I asked as I walked to him.

"People say they became prey to the curse."

He spoke in a shaky voice.

"What curse?"

I asked surprisingly

"You are too new to know that!"

He exclaimed and I raised my one brow nodded

He left and I started settling my belongings in the chamber. I was busy in my work and was facing on the other side of the entrance of my chamber when I felt someone stumbling behind me


"Anhhhh! Maiiiiii!'

A sweet feminine voice invaded my ears and I turned back to see who she was.

I saw a small petite figure sitting on the floor and rubbing her ankle while looking at it. Her brown orbs were filled with tears and she was sniffing in between her inaudible sobs.

She had a tiny waist that was adorned with a silver waistchain that had bells and she was wearing silver bangles too. Thin black hair strands were dancing on the side of her face.

Her nose was slender and small and had turned red right now. Her lips were pink and her pout face was looking extremely cute. Something was happening to me, but I had to ignore it. She was a cute little girl. A walked to her and sat on my knees before her.

The bedsheets and other covers had fallen there. She must have come here with them to decorate this chamber probably.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly taking my hands closer to her ankle.

"No! Don't touch my feet. I am a servant and you are Samrat's comrade." She spoke in between her sobs and I lifted my one brow.

"There is no sense of whatever you said. Let me check on your foot." I said and touched her foot when she shifted back and screamed

"Annhhhhaaa! It hurts."

Uh oh! She shifted on her wounded foot and it worsened.

"That's my order, girl. Let me check you." I commanded in a dangerous voice and I could feel that she was scared now.

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