51. Vikrant and Khyati

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Raghav POV

I couldn't see her again. She was gone, but why? My bewildered gaze kept travelling here and there, to find my moonlight, but I couldn't detect her.

"It's time that we overpower the army of Devgarh, and consolidate them with us."

One of the crowd members exclaimed, and everyone cheered him. He was right. This was out time. Raising my sword in the air, I declared

"Devgarh ki sena ab hamare liye yuddh karegi, aur usse apne me sammilit karne ke liye hume unhe harana hoga...Kya aap sab taiyar hai?"

"The army of Devgarh will fight for us now, and for that we need to unite them with us by defeating them...Are you all ready?"

I growled, and everyone responded positively, their spirits were enthusiastic, deciphering that their King has just returned.

Albeit I knew that my mother had sacrificed herself to make me rule Vijaygarh with righteousness, but at this moment, I wanted to launch an attack on Vijaygarh, to avenge the tortures that my moonlight has gone through.

My Princess didn't deserve this, and I won't forgive anyone, who was involved in tormenting her, directly or indirectly.

"We will proceed tomorrow morning."

I declared, and everyone agreed unanimously. It was night already, and all of them departed to their respective tents. People's behaviour changed for me suddenly, that I wasn't liking at all, but Gurudev explained to me, the importance of such treatment.

I agreed to his words, a King should behave like a friend with his people, but at the same time, he should maintain the decorum also.

Throughout the night, I kept attending people, and couldn't get even a moment to sleep, but all this while, my mind was anchored at my moonlight. Where was she? Why didn't she see me after such a huge revelation of my life?

The earliest rays of Sun hit the dozing Earth, and chirping of birds pervaded the environment. Taking a holy dip in Gangotri river, I was all set for my journey to Devgarh, along with nearly two hundred disciples of my Gurukul.

I wanted to see her before leaving, but she was nowhere to be found.

Where are you, Chandni? Your Raghav is missing you.

My psyche whispered to me, and sighing deeply, we all left the Him regions, my heart sank deeper, with the weight of my unfulfilled desire, but we couldn't wait longer than this, for the mission.

By the afternoon, we crossed the borders of Devgarh, The army there, had already scattered. There was nothing organised in that kingdom. Many women were already being abducted by the soldiers of Vijaygarh, and this information was imparted to me by Ranveer, who was staying as Vikrant, in Vijaygarh.

My brother was successful in escorting most of those women to some safe places, but he couldn't save all of them, something that pounded me a lot.

Mounting down my horse, I raked my eyes all across the Palace - the place that used to be imbued with frolics, some months ago, was now totally dilapidated.

A lump formed in my throat, and my eyes turned teary. A cascade of memories began playing at the back of my mind, as I advanced towards the palace.

"You can't make us bow down before you."

A masculine voice intruded my ears, and I pivoted my head into that direction. My mother's sword was resting safely in a bag, that was tied to my horse, so certainly, he did not have any idea about my real identity.

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