60. First wave of Torture🩸

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Due to some reasons, Chandra will be on hold till April end! Only 11-12 chapters are left, I will upload it if I get time, but there is no particular schedule for it right now. The chapters are being updated on ScrollStack also (with some alterations and addition of a few scenes)

Ranveer POV

It was early morning, and we began to pack the necessities to leave for Bhaiya's Gurukul. I had gotten the news of Guruji's unexpected demise, my heart cried recalling how he had trained us in fencing.

I secretly settled the painting of Maharani Sunaina inside one of the palanquins where Chitra was supposed to sit. The 107 culprits of bhabhi were all set leave for their last journey, towards their final destination.

The convoy began moving, and we halted during night for a few hours before the sunrise. It was a three day journey, and making love with Chitra was becoming difficult in a small tent, and it became totally impossible as she began bleeding the very next day.

Menstruation becomes tough for my baby, since her lower belly and thighs ache severely during this time. Cloaking myself from the soldiers, I managed to give her proper care that she deserved during this travel.

We had finally arrived at the Gurukul, and I intentionally planned to lead from the behind. The soldiers began walking, while my Chitra was resting in the palanquin.

They marched towards the Gurukul, unaware of the wrath that was waiting for them over there.

Chandralekha POV

Raghav was busy in enormous training since morning. Just a few days had passed after Guruji's demise, and he seemed to be preparing for some war.

He was exchanging quite a few letters with Prince Indrajeet these days. I didn't know what it was about, maybe some evidence that could prove my father innocent. My mind ran to Ambika, whose location wasn't known to us at this moment.

Ranveer bhaiya was coming today, but Raghav appeared exasperated throughout, and suddenly all of us got alerted harking to the footsteps of some strangers.

A mischievous smile danced on Raghav's lips. He stood up with utmost confidence, and signalled a few warriors of our side. All of them ran in the direction of that sound, and within a few moments, many men were dragged to us, hauling on the ground.

It took me only a few seconds to recognise those faces, and my chest began heaving up and down, recalling that awful day when I was disrobed publicly, and my baby Roop was raped brutally.

Raghav clutched his palm around my shoulder, making me cast a glance at him, and he pecked the side of my forehead.

"It's their time, Chandani!"

He grunted, I nodded in response.

Those men were made to crouch on the ground.


They yelped, and I saw Ranveer bhaiya coming to Raghav. He bowed down to touch his feet, and Raghav pecked his forehead, raising him up.

"You did it, my brother!"

He praised him, and Ranveer bhaiya strode to me. He bowed down to touch my feet too. I flinched a little, but blessed him eventually, holding his biceps and straightening him up.

"Greetings Princ....." He closed his eyes tightly, and opened them again to face me.

"Greetings bhabhi!" I smiled at his gestures.


A few men amongst those culprits began cursing him, he didn't heed them though.

"Let's make them quiet."

CHANDRALEKHA  - The Beginning Of Destruction (SLOW UPDATES)Where stories live. Discover now