18. Chandra slaps Yuddhjeet

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Khyati POV


I called him and he approached me. Without saying anything he simply grabbed my thighs and started thrusting into me roughly.

This was a regular ritual. Every month during new moon I had to go through this pain. Yes, this was painful! He was not a human. He was the DEVIL! The Devil with whom I had a dark deal.

His body emerged from black smoke and took humanoid form to accomodate in me. He could take any form as per the need, but his body was different than that of humans. Where I had a soft skin like butter, he had a rough prickly skin. His entire body has spine like projections that hurt me every time I touched it.

This was his way of lovemaking. He was the Devil and he loved to feel, smell and taste my blood while fucking me. Whenever he kept my legs on his shoulders, the area above my ankle bled. The lovemaking sessions with him were the most painful ones.

Like every time, I was again drenched in my own blood. He was hovering over me with his head in the crook of my neck and entire abdomen and breasts were bleeding because of the pricks of his skin that was rubbing over my soft skin.

I had to bear this. This was my fate or rather I should say - my choice. I wanted Power, Position and Respect! And nobody could give this to me as I was a poor priest's daughter. My father wanted me to become a devotee, but I never wanted that. I wanted to rule and only Satan could help me in that.

It was midnight when this ritual began and now it was late night. Hours had passed and he finally stopped. Every month on the new moon, it felt ruined; completely ruined and I had to bear this pain until he left just before dawn.

He left my body with a jerk and I was bleeding profusely. He stood in the middle of that geometrical pattern and ordered me in his scary and heavy voice


I sat up immediately. I was in immense pain but I couldn't refuse him.

"Why is my son not becoming like me?" He asked in an angry tone

"Master! He is becoming like you. I am training him to become like you I promise." I answered in a scared voice.

"Make sure you do it soon otherwise I'll take your soul to the hell without the fulfillment of that curse." He warned me and continued

"Your next prey would be Shivendra. He is one the judges of Vijaygarh's court." He completed his orders and got disappeared in that black smoke again.

It was dawn and I started chanting those spells again and my wounds started healing. Within a few minutes, I was completely fine. I wore my gown again and rubbed off that pattern. I kept those ingredients back into that trunk and buried it again.

Chandralekha POV

"KANYAAAAAAA!" I screamed and fell on the ground while my hand remained on the edge of that trunk. Her condition was gruesome.

Samrat was enjoying my pain when I asked him in between my sobs

"What the hell did you do to her?"

He placed the drink on the table and replied with a smirk
"Raped her." He took a pause and continued "brutally"

I stood up again to look at her body and he started narrating the whole incident to me. How Amar caught her, how she begged them, how Amar touched her even when she didn't like it at all, how he lied to me when I asked him about her, how he raped her and how he inserted the knife into her.

I had started feeling uneasy now. My core was paining just by listening to him and my poor Kanya had gone through all this. I remembered how she told me that she didn't want to go to his chamber, but I was utterly stupid then. I couldn't understand her intuitions. Why? Why was I so naive? I cried my heart out. I had understood the meaning of my dreams now where Kanya was calling me.

Samrat was laughing and blabbering when I was lost in my thoughts. I looked at him with dried tears in my eyes. He was busy in his own talks. I don't know what had happened to me at that moment. I couldn't control myself anymore. Everything that he had done to me till now started crossing my mind. I stood up and walked straight towards him. I stood right in front of him when he noticed me. I was expressionless and he stood up with thinned eyebrows and before he could comprehend anything I waved my hand in the air and landed a tight slap on his face.

His face turned on a side with the jerk and he kept his palm on that. I was standing there fearlessly. I knew it could cause my death right at that moment, but the fear of death had died in me. I was ready for that now. Honestly I wanted to kill him, but I did not have that courage so I was ready to die now but not before slapping him so I did that.

He carresed his cheek for some time and brought his face up to look at me again, but this time his eyes turned red with anger. I could see rage in them. There was a little shame too as I had slapped him in front of his soldiers but this is what I exactly wanted.

"How dare you?" He asked in a slow voice and I kept looking at him bluntly.

"I asked something. HOW DARE YOU?" He screamed this time at me and I suddenly came back to my senses. I thinned my eyebrows and my expressions changed to anger.

"This is just the beginning Samrat. Kill me or I'll rip you apart." I said with rage and confidence while looking directly into his eyes.

I could feel his breaths becoming hot out of anger when he said

"Definitely I'll kill you, but my ways will be more painful now." He said with anger and then smirked and continued

"DRAG HER TO THE COURTROOM RIGHT NOW!" He ordered the soldier who had slapped me this evening.

I saw that man approaching me and I had no idea of why Samrat wanted him to take me to the courtroom. He came to and grabbed my hair mercilessly.

"Aahhh!" I screamed and he started walking taking big steps. I too walked for some time, but I fell on the ground because I couldn't take such big steps. He started dragging me and I could feel my body getting bruises on the parts that came in contact with the hard marble floor.

Samrat was following us. That man dragged me all across a gallery and I could see an open garden that was attached to it. It was morning already. I started protesting but his grip was steel strong

"Aahhh! Leave me." I glared at him and asked with tears in my eyes. I had started aching now. My knees and elbows were colliding with the floor every now and then and back had definitely developed abrasions by now.

He kept dragging me like that mercilessly and after crossing many galleries we finally reached the courtroom. He made me stand mercilessly on my feet and then he pushed me with all his force and I fell on the ground with a thud.

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