37. The Dark Wedding

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3 months before the final battle!

Rashmi POV

I was walking towards Khyati's chamber which slow and scared steps.


I called her in a soft voice and she was humming the Devil's melody while sitting on the couch, carrying a glass of traditional wine, facing the opposite direction of me.

"Come inside, daughter."

She called me in her luring voice. She was really phenomenal. She was capable of bringing any man on his knees for her. She was a kind of witch no one could escape. I approached her with slow steps and stood beside her. Her eyes were closed as if she was enjoying her own company at this moment. I cleared my throat a little and she muttered in a slow voice.

"On your knees."

It was a little weird, but I couldn't deny her. I know her strength now so I obeyed her and came on my knees before her. She drank a leftover wine in one go and left the glass. It fell on the ground with a ting sound and I got a little nervous with her gestures.

She placed that palm on my head and caressed it as if I was her pet. I didn't react for a moments, but then she said something that shook me to my core.


She straightened herself up and my chest started doing up and down. She fisted her palm that was on my head and my hair got clutched in them. She pulled it back and my head arched backwards. I winced in pain and a slow painful moan escaped my mouth. She opened her eyes and I could see the red ring around her pupils.

"How dare you?"

She asked angrily. I started shaking my head and apologized to her in a slow voice

"I'm sorry, mother!"

She smiled devilishly looking at me and said

"You think your life will turn into a bed of roses after your marriage?"

She raised her brow and pulled my hair more. My hand held her wrist as a result and I cried a little.

"You don't know my son, poor girl! He is a monster and I'll make sure that he turns more monstrous with you."

I was breathing heavily in fear. If she is saying so, she will do this. Fuck! It was all my mistake. How could I even think of backstabbing Khyati?
She was smarter than anybody could think. I was gone now.

"On your fours right now."

She left my hair with a jerk and I fell on the ground. I balanced myself and did what she said. She went somewhere and came back with a long leather made rope that was broad. I closed my eyes as I knew what was going to happen.

She swirled it in the air and it landed on my back with a very high intensity and I cried in pain.

"19 days of investigation so 19 wounds on your back."

She said in seductive voice and started torturing me. Her intensity kept increasing with every go. I had become a bleeding mess by the time she ended. It was harsh, terrible and intolerable. The men who fuck her and become her prey have no idea that she has this side too. She is brutal. She loves watching people bleed.

Once she was upset with a disciple of hers so she made her sit in a bathtub which had needles on its interior walls. Blood was dripping from every part of her body slowly and she was enjoying the scene. She is cruelest! Yuddhjeet is nothing before her.

The punishment I was given was too easy. I think my real punishment is waiting in the form of his son.

"Even after spying on me, you can't find what I don't want you to find."

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