67. Indrajeet saves Ambika

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Ambika POV

Dadima was taking very good care of me. Little four year old Madhu used to coo my belly all the time when he got to know that I was having a baby inside it.

A baby! My lover's baby!

I wanted to marry him as per Vedic rituals, but I think no good thing is destined for me. Maybe I am doomed for s lifetime, that is why no happiness stays with me.

The people with whom i've grown up narrate me how I was brought here. They say my mother sold me to them, who was a servant in Devgarh.

Perhaps this was the reason why I couldn't kill Princess Chandralekha. I feel something special for her, as if she is my sister. Maharani Khyati wanted me to poison her, but even when I was alone with her, I couldn't execute this plan.

Prince Indrajeet - the man I loved me with everything left me all alone like trash. Maybe I was just trash, with no royal blood or any importance, but I do royal blood in my womb. Does he care about her?

Yeah! I know that's a girl because of the symptoms my body is going through. As an Ayurveda expert, I can predict what I have inside me.

Since these five months, I have been waiting for Prince Indrajeet to know that I'm pregnant with his baby, but I think he never turned back after he had runaway from me that night.

Tears pooled up in my eyes, recalling the wonderful times that we had spent together. I thought it was love, but it was no more than his need. His need to fuck a woman, he must be enjoying other women these days.

I broke down into uncontrollable sobs, holding my lightly swollen belly in my palms.

"Baby! Your father betrayed your mother, and look at the irony, he thinks that I betrayed him, but you don't worry, your ma will take very good care of you."

Saying so, my head rested on the chaff bundle, with tears drenching my cheeks and neck completely. This is what I do when I am lonely. I tell everything to my baby so that I assume that I've shared my pain with someone.

Dadima and Madhu think that my husband ran away with his mistress, and they don't know that this baby in Prince Indrajeet's child.

Cladded in light saffron saree, I picked up the and began walking to the well. I cannot ask an old woman to do my chores, and little Madhu was too young for such harsh works so I preferred doing it all by myself.

Arriving at the well, I left the bucket attached to it into the well and started pulling it up gradually. After a few pulls, the pot was filled with water, and I adjusted it beside my waist, walking back to the hut.


I felt as if someone called me, so I pivoted my head into her direction, and my eyes widened gazing at Rashmi.

"You bloody deceiver!" She flared looking into my eyes and my breathing stopped for a while.

I could see a red ring around her eyes and she approached me in a flash of seconds and grabbed my hair to push me down. I held my tummy to save my baby.

I saw dadima running towards me. I tried to stop her as I knew the capabilities of Rashmi, but before I could do something, Rashmi attacked her, tearing off her neck. A stream of blood gushed out of it and she died on the spot.

The four years old baby came out of the Hut with tears in his eyes and Rashmi approached him too

"Rashmi please....he is a baby." I begged her with adjoining hands

She lifted him up in her arms and he looked at me. She took a knife and my eyes widened. I shook my head and tried to get up but she pierced his neck from behind.

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