57. The Curse is Fulfilled

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Raghav POV

I could not decipher what was happening to me. It was aching everywhere, as if my bones were breaking. The struggle for ejaculation was different tonight, and the worst part was that I had hurt my Chandani unintentionally.

She was massaging my body, discerning how broken I was feeling.

"Chandani, you need rest."

I stated, but she was adamant to soothe my pain.

"Let's go back when you are fine!"

She asserted, and I straightened up, assuring her that I was fine now, though there was still some confusions of why such an event took place a few hours ago.

Both of us mounted on my horse, and we headed back towards the Gurukul. The dawn was close, with little bluish tinge scattering across the night sky.

"I'll visit Gurudev after the morning prayers."

I declared, and Chandani nodded. The horse wasn't running this time, unlike the previous night.

Author POV

"Khyati, you never listened to your father, but at least listen to your soul now."

Gurudev bellowed at Khyati, whose disposition didn't change even a bit by his words.

"I have got everything that I desired, because I worshipped Satan, but my stupid devotee father wanted me to serve Krishna like him. What did Krishna give him. He couldn't even step out of that temple, and look at me, I am the QUEEN. I got everything, every fucking happiness that a human being can desire."

She bawled back at Gurudev, earning a little satisfactory smile from him.

"The definition of happiness is different for everyone. You judge it materialistically, meanwhile your father felt it spiritually. To be honest, you were unlucky.....quite unfortunate to not decipher the depth of Krishna's name. The destiny gave you a golden chance by giving you birth in a priest's family, but your ambitions killed your fate."

Gurudev stated, making Khyati frown.

"This world is an illusion Khyati. You can carry nothing from here to the other worlds after you die, not even your body, or your name, or your 'so-called' respect and position. Your father did penances to improve his afterlife, and now he is happily serving Radhe Krishna in the Golok, but what about you? Where will you go? To the hell - to burn for an eternity. Krishna had called you Khyati, and He doesn't call everyone. Though all souls ultimately dissolve in Him, but after spending millions of painful lives on this planet. Rarest and most unluckiest ones refuse to answer His call, and you are one of them. When you will burn in hell, you will see Him again, spreading His arms for you, but you won't be able to hug Him then. You still have time Khyati.... Krishna can defeat anyone when it comes to saving His devotees. Surrender yourself to His love!"

Gurudev elucidated her for the one last time, but his words got on Khyati's nerves. She rushed to him and slit his chest apart with her sharp dagger. He fell down on the ground and began chanting 'Radhe-Krishna' in his broken voice. Dark red blood spurted out of his chest gravely, mixing up with the damped soil of Himalyan region, on whose ground he was lying.

Khyati's gaze fell on the cave inside which Mata Kali's temple was constructed. She smirked devilishly and began striding to the cave with utmost confidence. If she succeeds in defeating Raghav today, she will become immortal.

On the other side, in Vijaygarh, Chitra had woken up after her wedding night, and because of the herbs that Ranveer had placed on her womanhood, she was feeling good. She took an invigorating bath and rushed to Sunaina's temple, and began chanting Parvati Mata's mantra. She could sense a drastic shift in the environment.

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