45. The Secret Wedding

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Ranveer POV

"The next will be fulfilled by your brother."

She asserted, and my eyes enlarged with astonishment.

"But....but what about the curse? How did you escape that? Rashmi also tried to peak into that bloody diary, but her life turned upside down after coming in contact with that."

I blabbered, as I was frightened to the core, for the safety of my baby.

"I'm protected because of this thread. This is completely embedded in my body now."

I cast a glance at that mark, and she was right. It wasn't a thread anymore, it was more like a mark, as if something got absorbed in her skin, being placed there for many years.

"Her diary is not written by her. It is penned down by the Devil himself. It mentions the story of her birth, her unusual habits and desires, her meeting with that Egyptian priestess, the dark rituals performed by her and..."

I interrupted her by saying

"But Rashmi never told me about this."

She smiled humbly, and continued

"Because you can read only those parts, she wants you to read. My case was different. She was unaware of my activities around her chamber, and her diary, and this was possible only because of this thread. The diary carried a blank page at the end, that had to be filled with the details of her death, and now it has the information."

She asserted, and my breath hitched. Was Khyati, the Khyati going to die?

"Is she going to die?" I inquired, astonishment clearly discernible on my face.

"Yes! The page holds the details of her death now. She is heading towards the last destination of her life - your brother! He will decline the offer, by overcoming her seduction, urging the hell to open up and gulp her down."

She informed me, with a satisfied smile on her face.

"We need to inform bhaiya about it. He is unaware of her arrival." I advised, my eyebrows arched in a line.

"No! Don't ruin destiny's plan. It will happen the way, it is mentioned in the diary. Your brother will deny the offer, even without any prior notice. He will overpower her seduction, on his own. Don't disturb the events planned by destiny. Let her die, brutally."

She exclaimed, a cunning smile plastered on her face.

"You hate her because she killed your father?"

I questioned, as this was the first time I was seeing the bold side of hers.

"I hate her because she is an evil woman. I hate her because she has ruined families. I hate her because she is betraying the country, and this kingdom. And I hate her the most because she destroyed Maharani Sunaina's blissful life. She forced a Prince to live like a beggar. She was the reason why our real Maharaj - Maharaj Raghav, had to serve as the head-commander of a small kingdom."

I felt my chest swelling with pride, listening to the word 'Maharaj' before my brother's name. I saw tears accumulating at the corner of her eyes, and it fell down, travelling through her chubby cheeks.

"It's okay, Chitra!" I hugged her, and she gave in, wrapping her arms tightly around me.

"Why didn't you tell me all this before?" I inquired, caressing her head gently, which was resting on my chest.

"Because Khyati was here! I couldn't reveal anything to you, since she could know it anytime you were away from me." She asserted, confusing me more.

"What do you mean?" I asked, frowning a little.

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