44. The Macabre Transformation🩸

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Rashmi POV

"Bear it, slut!" He growled, laughing like a maniac.

His insanity and cruelty were transcending all the limits today. The weather started transmuting, dark clouds engulfed the sunrays, fabricating the day as night.

The scorching wax began to wizen and solidify within a few moments, stretching my boob skin terribly.


I kept whimpering, caged under his mercy. No! He could not show mercy, at least not in this birth.

"Cry more, bitch! How dare you let that candle fall off your body?"

He groaned, carrying something in his grip. I couldn't comprehend it, but the moment he applied it on my wound, it burnt, rigourously. It was chiili powder. This man was getting on my nerves now. Why didn't he simply kill me? I wished I hadn't replaced Chandralekha in his life? That bitch must be enjoying her life with her man, and here, I'm dying every second, under his brutality.

"Mercyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!" I shrieked, woefully.

There was something wrong with him today, something far more severe than I had witnessed till now. His tough hands were feeling rougher, and his mental state had gone haywire. The wax got stuck to my areola, and he placed the knife there. He started peeling off the wax, along with a thin layer of my skin. My head rolled backwards, and I yearned to run away from him. I felt like dying! His assault was becoming too much to endure.

All the time, he kept laughing devilishly, enjoying my odious state. He unclasped my ankles, and untied my wrists. My body was stiffened. I tried to collect myself, abstracting my arms and legs, but little could I move, when I felt his rough and strong grip, clutching my hair.

He dragged me to the dressing area. He had thrashed some glass bottle on the floor, whose pieces pierced several locations of my body while getting dragged by him, gravely.

Fresh blood started oozing out of my breast, ass cheek, waist, back, thighs and calf region. He straightened me up, choking my neck and thrashed me on the dressing table, right before the mirror.

I cast a glance at my unkempt condition. The hair were tangled, cheeks blackened due to the dried Kohl, that travelled down along with tears, wrists had developed a ligature mark, multiple body parts pierced and a wide deep scar on my midriff. This was his way of making love. Chandralekha was spared of this horror, her good luck!

He rubbed my back with his rough hands, those felt rougher today!

"I want to ruin you more!"

He grunted, leaning closer to my ear, hovering over me. I closed my eyes in anticipation, fresh tear assembling again at their corners, ready to adhere to the path of the previous ones. He untied the knot of his dhoti, his puffing chest was visible to me, through the reflection in the mirror. His huge bulge was ready to impart grievous injuries to me.

"I'll rip you apart tonight."

He snarled. What else was left to be wrecked in my body? I had already accepted my fate, so I nodded, and replied like an obedient submissive.

"Yes, Master!"

"You bloody bitch!" He hurled, spanking my ass cheek

*Twack* It was harsh enough to leave his red finger marks on my butt.

"Who the fuck will thank me, for treating you the way you deserve?"



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