23. Khyati's Reality

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The chapter has mentions of Dark Energies like Satan!

Raghav POV

I took a seat beside Maharani Khyati's aunt and she began narrating her past to me

"She is my brother's daughter and my brother was a priest in Nyayanagar. The place is close to Kashi. He always wanted his daughter to become a devotee like him, but destiny had other plans. She didn't enjoy devotion much. She was always more into materialistic world. She wanted to rule this temporary world. It was the time when she turned sixteen years old, Maharaj Uday - the King of Vijaygarh and Maharani Sunaina, his first and only wife arrived at Kashi for Puja. She knew about Vijaygarh and she wanted to reach there as the Queen. There was no possibility of it as Maharaj Uday loved his wife immensely and she was pregnant at that moment too."

I cut her off to ask in shock "Maharani Sunaina? Maharaj Uday had one more wife?"

She continued "Yes! Maharani Sunaina. She was his first and only love. He couldn't love after that but Khyati forced him to change his mind."

"How?" I asked shockingly

"Khyati wanted to reach Vijaygarh as a Queen by hook or crook. We thought her craziness will fade away with time but we had no idea of how low she was going to steep. She was in contact with some Egyptian priestess who had told her about Satan. She assured her that he could fulfill all her desires if she sells her soul to him. She did so! She sold herself completely to him.
In return he gave her an idea, the idea to seduce the King. Maharaj Uday was not such a pervert but Devil's aura made him crazy. He turned crazy after Khyati. He kidnapped her and she happily let him do that. Afterall she wanted it. Maharani Sunaina, who was pregnant at that moment became extremely depressed after this. Some say she had a miscarriage where she died, but no one knows what actually happened. She was wiped off from the history of Vijaygarh by Khyati.
Then came a problem, Khyati couldn't give an heir to Vijaygarh for three years. This angered Maharaj Uday. He wasn't an angry man, but his union with Khyati made him demonic.
He married Maharani Mohini in urgency and she became pregnant after some time too. This angered Khyati to an extent that she requested Devil to give her a son. The Devil had a rough intercourse with Khyati and placed his seeds in her uterus. She became pregnant and delivered her child before Mohini; the pre mature one. Maharaj Uday never doubted her as he was hallucinated by her. This is how her son became the eldest and he claimed the throne later on. That son is YUDDHJEET!"

She finished and I was absolutely shocked. There were so many questions running in my mind right now

Who was Maharani Sunaina and what happened to her?

Yuddhjeet was Devil's son? And Khyati is the mastermind?

I felt as my head was aching severely now. Mata calmed me down by patting my back and I looked at her

"Mata! Every Adharma has an end! This must be having one too?" I asked her with slight tears in my eyes.

She looked at me with concern and said

"There is something like a curse. If it gets fulfilled Khyati will have to burn in hell for eternity. This is the deal between her and the Satan, but I don't know that curse."

That was it. I had to know about that curse now. I greeted her and retired from there. I took a holy dip in Ganga Maiya and prayed to Kashi Vishwanath Baba. I stayed for a night to take some rest. All night I kept thinking about Roop. I don't know why I was having tears by having her thoughts. I hope she was fine.

I woke up next morning and finished my morning business. I again took a holy dip in Ganga Maiya and started getting back to my Gurukul.

Indrajeet POV

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