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Alex and Allie walked into the station. She headed to the women's locker room to put on her uniform. While at her locker, she is putting on her duty belt when a short, redheaded officer approaches her.

"I saw that you are training with Alvarez."

"Yeah. I started yesterday with him."

"Look, I don't know you, but I just wanted to warn you before you spend more time with him, and he started to turn on his charm. Don't let him get to you. You may have heard what the women around the department, the entire department, call him: the Jugador. It means---"

"Player, in Spanish. I did hear that. Thanks for the warning," she read her tag, "Gilmore. I can see why women are attracted to him. He is a smooth talker."

"Call me Gilly. Just be careful. You're a beautiful girl; I would hate to see you put in for a transfer."

"A transfer? Why would I put in for a transfer?"

"Look," she leaned in and read her nameplate. "Kingston. I'm not trying to cock block you or anything. If you get my drift, I mean Alvarez is not my type. He just has that reputation. He's run quite a few of our female officers out of here. I'm just saying he's broken a lot of hearts, and he talks an excellent game. Don't let him get you to think you are something special. All women are the same to him. He made all of them think they were something special. Love them and leave them. He makes you think he cares and wants something, but, honestly, you'll just be another notch on the bedpost."

"Well, thank you for the information, Gilly. I do appreciate it. Maybe we can get a drink sometime," she said.

"I would love to meet you up at Jake's sometime. Oh. And excellent job on that takedown. It's going all around the department. Maybe you can show me a couple of moves. I wouldn't mind wrestling around with you."

Gilly left her alone in the locker room.

Did she just hit on me? She's warning me about a guy who hits on women, and she hits on me. Irony. Allie did consider what she had just said. How could I have been so stupid? He knew all the right things to say, all the right things to do. He couldn't even go a day without bringing a woman home. He would rather have a tattoo of a teddy bear in an orange thong forever on his body than give up pussy for a week. I swear I am going to get my new address tattooed on my arm with a note that says, if found, please return to the above address, she thought.

Allie finished putting her uniform on and headed out of the locker room.

"Officer Kingston," a woman behind the front desk called to her. "You have a visitor."

Allie looks around. She caught sight of a familiar face in a familiar uniform.

"Holy shit, First Sergeant Russell, what are you doing here!"

"Hey, Gunny."

They embraced.

"I was in the area and heard you returned to the cop life. You look fanfuckingtastic. When was the last time I saw you?" he asked.

"At Malibu's funeral."

"Oh. I'm sorry, that's right," he said.

"So, besides being in the neighborhood, why are you here?"

"Can we meet somewhere later, maybe for dinner or something?"

"Russell, is something going on?" she asked.

"I can't get into it right now. Nothing bad or to worry about."

Alvarez came up behind her but kept his distance.

Apprehension: Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now