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The Uber dropped them off at her apartment building. She opened the door.

"Wow, I see what you mean about the four sets of stairs," he said.

"Yeah, it's a pain, but what are you going to do?"

"I don't know. Find a good-looking guy with a house.

"Anyway... on that note, let's begin our climb; it's the second door on the right," she said.

He walked up the stairs to her apartment, fixated on her ass the entire time. He looked down and noticed a welcome mat. Well, kind of a welcome mat.

"If you're going to break into my house, stand outside and get right with Jesus. Tell him you're on your way. USMC," he read. "Well, that sure is different than welcome; please come in."

"Yeah, a really good friend of mine got it for me, and I just really like it," she said. It gets the point across. I can't say I didn't warn people first."

"Well, it is pretty cool. Not sure it would stand up in court if you killed someone."

"Ohio is a stand-your-ground state, remember? Plus, I will just beat them within an inch of their life," she said.

"Good to know that you have a plan."

"Marines are trained to improvise, adapt, and overcome all obstacles in all situations. They possess the willingness to keep fighting until victory is assured."

"Marines take a lot of pride in being a Marine."

"How do you know someone is a Marine?" she asked.


"Don't worry, they will tell you," she joked. "There are 1.6 million people in the Army, counting reserves. There are one hundred and eighty thousand Marines, counting reserves. We aren't called an elite fighting force for nothing."

"You should have been a recruiter. I mean, I am ready to sign up."

"As good of shape as you are, you've already aged out."

She opened the door, and they stepped inside her apartment. The door opened into a good-sized kitchen. There was a decent-sized living room with the master bedroom off it. There was a laundry room, a half bath, and a full bath in her bedroom. It was about 1,000 square feet in total. She had it sparsely decorated, with a few photos here and there and an American flag in a display case on the wall.

"Whose flag?"

"It belongs to the same person who gave me the welcome mat."

"Oh. I am so sorry. You two were close?" Alex asked.

"Remember when I mentioned that I had a boyfriend named Malibu?"

"Of course, how can I forget the cute little tattoo," he said.

"That's his. He was KIA. He was two feet from me. It broke my heart. That's why what happened between us this morning was so special to me. That's why I don't want to be considered just another one of your conquests. I need to know if it meant something to you too."

He took her by her arms. He looked her in the face.

"It did mean something to me. But I understand so much better now," He spoke with sincerity. "Allie, you were not a conquest."

"Well, I'm happy to hear that. Would you like a beer or something?

"I definitely would like an or something," he said.

He kissed her. It was slow, gentle, and meaningful. He loved the way it felt when he kissed her. It was euphoric. When they finally separated, he looked around the room.

Apprehension: Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now