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Ian and Allie had been together a year when she was put on deployment. She had two six-month, back-to-back tours. She and Ian were able to Skype, the Facetime of the early days. They talked whenever they were able to get the opportunity. It was incredibly hard for her. This was the first time she had a real relationship. The day she left was the first time they said I love you to each other. She wasn't sure she was really in love, but she felt something substantial when she was with him, and now, she learned it was stronger when she was away. She didn't ask him to wait for her while she was gone; it was just an unspoken understanding. Of course, they would stay faithful. They were in love.

Ian was deployed two months before she returned to her base. They kept in touch until one day, he didn't. She waited and waited. She had been back for two weeks and was waiting for his call. She hadn't talked to him for a month. She was concerned, but it's not unheard of that you can't call home. They were lucky they could keep in touch as much as they had. She missed him so much.

She walked into the shop, and Darlene saw her in the hallway.

"Corporal!" she called after her. I've been trying to find you."

Allie stopped and turned around.

"Good afternoon; what can I do for you?"

"Why don't we go into my office and have a seat."

Allie was confused, but she followed her.

"Have a seat, please."

She sat down.

"Darlene, what is this about? You've got me feeling a little nervous."

Darlene looked at her the same way she did when Staff Sergeant Daniels told her about the death of her family.

"Allie, I know that you and PFC Jeffries are close friends, " she said, pausing.

She dropped her eyes.

"Yes, Ma'am."

"I need you to look at me, Allie. I need to know you hear me the first time. I don't think I can say this twice."

She looked up.

"Allie, Ian was killed in action two weeks ago. His convoy encountered an IED. It was in a vehicle that he passed while they were walking through town. He was killed instantly. However, he saved a young girl by covering her when the IED detonated. His body was returned to his family last

week, and he was interred at Arlington four days ago."

"What? He's already- But why wasn't I told sooner? I would have been there. I..."

She was doing her best to keep a composed look on her face.

"I know, dear. His family didn't know about you or your friendship. This came for you yesterday. I don't think they knew your address, so they sent it here."

She picked up a letter-sized manilla envelope and handed it to her.

"I'll leave you alone if you want to read it now."

"No, I'm off shift. I'll take it home and read it. Thank you."

Her speech became robotic and void of emotion.

As she was walking in, her friend Falcon was walking out.

"Caretaker, you, okay?"

She didn't say anything.

"Allie," he grabbed her arm. "What's going on?"

"He's dead. That's it. Gone from my life, put into the ground."

Apprehension: Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now