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I never liked to repeat platitudes, I always thought that they had only embedded in their content, the superfluity of lack of objectivity and puerility, until the moment when feelingI embarrassed, driven by the forces of circumstances and another "cliché", forces me to reconsider my reluctance: "the water hit the b.!"

In general, beings only believe or tend to believe in certain things when they are mainly involved in them. A typical example is the subject disdaining everything that refers to spirituality, the continuity of life and "in a stroke" of fate, he finds himself, alone "groping" the tombstone where he was deposited, what was left of a loved one, his!

At this time, there are no material goods, power, fame, etc., that will come in handy, in these moments, the only thing that the one who "stays", as much as the one who goes, only needs two things, in fact, three: to be with oneself, reflection and... prayer!

Wrapped in a plot, in a very fragile moment of my existence, "I lost my ground!" I sincerely believe that the feeling that brings about the breach of trust, contempt, etc., in many of its points, is similar to the traumas of eternal separation... When "the door slams" (in fact, anyone's) the "Grim Death!"

Because in these grave hours, the human soul, unlike the soul of the poor animals who are not fully aware of themselves, due to the very hard blow, "closes" in on itself and cannot find relief, even when the best advice is given, even when the most special people approach and say words of comfort. Affection and understanding... they don't get any satisfaction!

That is why, after the moments of torment, it is only after that the one who finds himself in the situation realizes that he has lost great friends, that he had the opportunity to find a new love, even, but at the time the only thing that made sense (for everyone... Apparently), it was the feeling of pain, only!

Because when the being is extremely needy, nothing can make him think and act differently, that being who is still convalescing from a great disappointment!

But, if you manage to resist on the bad days, and in fact, letting one day succeed another gradually, slowly, hardly, etc., there comes a time when the organism begins to react and look for a way to interact with life again... With God... with the good and begins to believe in the future again. That is, if you wish to do so at some point...

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