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"To forgive is not to support behaviors that bring us physical or moral pain, it is not to pretend that everything is going very well, when we know that everything around us is in ruins. To forgive is not to connive with the inappropriate conduct of relatives and friends, but to forgive is to have compassion, that is, greater understanding through unconditional love. So it's a way of life!" (HAMMED – from the book "RENEWING ATTITUDES!")

That was all I had left and it wasn't a ghost of a saint, just to clarify!

The beautiful "sweet beloved" and I were living in a somewhat cozy little house, where I believed that it would be the beginning of my romantic life, in the comfort of my home, in the company of a little son of hers, when a peculiar fact happened!

The child, (about 1 year and a half approximately, at the time), suddenly stopped on his mother's lap and starting to look in a certain direction, from where the kitchen would be, began to laugh and lower his head and go up, as if following the movement of someone who made jokes for him to laugh.

Automatically, we looked in the direction where the child was watching, laughing and having fun... Nothing! There was nothing there! That is to say, nothing that could be contemplated with physical eyes. But the child insisted and remained so for some time!

Incredible for those who have already come across similar "bizarre" situations is that the impression you to have and then is really physical, is to feel the hairs on your arms stand on end, because, instinctively the human body, I believe, reacts like this to the intrusion of a kind of supernatural force...

A day or two after this fact, she, "my beloved" abandoned me, leaving me alone in the house, in the company of a spiritual being!

And how did I come to this brilliant conclusion that there was someone else not belonging to the corporeal world, doing there, that is, serving as a companion?!

The owner of the property inadvertently let slip that his recently deceased father had lived there, who remained convalescent, ill, for a long time, until he left "for the better!"

After this confirmation, I could only think to myself, because I was already alone: "this explains everything!"

So, if you don't believe in ghosts, in some circumstances, especially when you are alone and abandoned at random, it is necessary to reconsider some points of view!

Also because, what I needed the least in those moments, was the company of a ghost serving me as "host" of the residence, since I arrived later.

There is also no need to underestimate my ability to reason, because when I had the "brilliant" idea of commenting on this event with an "expert", he was soon diagnosed: "it was psychological!"

I would like from the bottom of my being to meet certain bullies gentlemen, in the middle of the night, in stormy weather, in an abandoned house, in the middle of a country road flanked by weeds and nearby a cemetery, etc., for to see their bullies reaction!

I say this because I have never met a superman during the day, surrounded by people, etc., to preserve the same serenity, coldness, dignity, etc., when he sees himself alone, in an abandoned house!

It so happens that and this I have proven, in the previous residences that I have stayed for years, even in the countryside, I have never had that strange sensation. I never had any problem turning off the lights and sleeping, until I lived there. I could never turn off the light, because I had the distinct impression that something or someone was there all the time... watching me! I got better from the ghost's evil, when I changed... Well, from the evil of unrequited passion, it remained for a period, let's say... a little bigger!

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