(2)His Attraction Towards Her <3 💗

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Aditya's phone rang it was his father


Aditya "Namste papa" (greetings dad)

His dad (Rajendra) - "Beta! You have to attend a college function today."

Aditya -" But why papa? You know na I don't like such a function."

His dad - " beta you are the one of the youngest business tycoon in the whole country, your presence there encourage lots of students who studied business. "

Aditya-"papa I don't want to attend it. I have lots of other works to do aur aap to jante hi hai na ki aaj kal ke baache college padhne nhi kuch aur hi kaam karne jaate hai. They don't even listen what I said in my speech.
( dad you know na today's students don't go college for study)

His dad - " you are going there and that final it's my order"

Before Aditya say something his dad cut the call and now he has no other option instead of attenting the college's function as it was his father's order and he didn't deny it.


In college

An announcement started "all the final year students are requested to gathered in the auditorium" announcement ended

As all the students started moving towards auditorium Avantika was alone today since it was first day of college after vacation so her friends didn't came today.
So she was all alone there.

Suddenly a car stopped outside the auditorium and it is none other than Aditya's car. As he came outside from his car. He founded himself surrounded by many girls.

As girls conversation started :

First girl - "Oh God! He is so handsome"
Second girl - "If he smile at me once. I'm definetly gonna died today."

And our Avantika said "stop dreaming girl" and start moving towards the auditorium.
As her voice attracted Aditya but he was also shocked by her behavior because he never seen a girl who ignored him like that.
As Aditya was attracted by her on very first sight.

In auditorium

The director of college welcomed Aditya and invite him for his speech on the stage. Aditya move towards the stage as he listen huting and clapping for him by girls but when he reached the stage, Avantika grab all his attention because unlike other girls she is not shooting him with her phone and not admire him.

She is one of the students who were listening to him carefully.
As his speech ends he greet the director of the college and start moving towards the exit of the auditorium.
Where he saw Avantika was also leaving the auditorium without giving a glacé to him

Aditya to his PA - "I want all the information about the girl in white dress" he said pointing his fingure towards Avantika and his PA simply nodded in yes...

Just tell me how was today's chapter??
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Any recommendations for their first meeting...

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