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Chapter Ten
Chloe's POV

Arms wrap around my waist.

"Luke" I sigh.

"I'm really sorry" He apologizes.

He lets me go as soon as I tried to push him away. I turn around and look up at him.

"I know you are" I whisper.

I walk over to the bed and sit down.

"Chloe I love you" Luke says.

"I....I love you too Luke.... but," I mumble and look towards him.

"But I hurt you, I know and I'm so fucking sorry" Luke says.

He walks over to me and sits beside me taking my hand in his.

"I want to earn your trust back more than anything" Luke says.

By the look in his eyes I could tell that he genuinely meant what he was saying.

"You don't need to earn it back, you still have it" I say, "I'm just hurt."

"I'm so fucking sorry Chlo."

I look down at the ground and sigh.

"It hurts so much that you didn't tell me. I don't understand why you would cheat?"

He frowns. "I wasn't thinking."

"How did it happen?" I ask wiping my eyes as tears begin to form for no reason.

"What?" Luke asks.

I sigh. "When you cheated. How did it happen?"

"Oh.....Are you sure you want to know?" Luke asks. 

I nod. He frowns but nods.

"Do you remember when we all went out to that club and that girl spilt her drink on you, and I wouldn't leave with you?"

I nod.

"Well after you left she spilt another drink on the both of us, she was crying and upset so I said I'd help her clean up" he said.

Of course it had to be that girl. I knew she was up to something the moment her and her friends walked into the club.

"We took our shirts off in the bathroom to wash them and she was wiping my chest, she got really low, it was turning me on."

I squeeze my eyes shut to hold back the tears.

"I'm so sorry, I don't want to upset you" He says.

I shake my head.

"It's okay. I need to hear it please" I plead.

"I was drunk. That's not my excuse. I know what I did and it was wrong. But in my drunken state I grabbed the paper towel and cleaned her off. She stopped me and grabbed my dick" He says.

"I told her she shouldn't have done that. I wanted to say no but I didn't,"

"I can't remember everything but she pushed me onto the bathroom chair" Luke said.

Tears stream down my face.

"I told her that we couldn't because I was with you and she shushed me and told me that you didn't have to know, and before I could even respond I was to far in" Luke says.

I look up at him. Tears are streaming down his face.

"I hate myself everyday for letting it continue. I wish I stopped her. I wish I had've went with you, I wish I wasn't so stubborn" Luke cries.

Tears are streaming down both of our faces. We sit in silence. Until Luke breaks it.

"I was going to tell you" he says.

"What?" I ask.

"I was gonna tell you that night, but when I got home I found you in the bathroom. Nearly passed out from blood loss" Luke cries.

I remember that. I cut too deep. I didn't try and kill myself. I was drunk and upset and I went too deep. I don't remember Luke finding me, but I do remember waking up in the hospital.

I remember Luke made sure I wasn't sent away to rehab. He knew I didn't want to die. He made arrangements so that I could stay with him. He saved me.

I wipe my eyes. If I hadn't have been so stupid and cut too deep Luke would've told me. He wouldn't have hid it from me.

"After you were out of the hospital you were not in the right mind to be told that I had cheated" Luke said.

I nod agreeing with him. I was a mess. I clung to Luke 24/7 for almost a month. It wasn't healthy.

"I'm so sorry" I cry.

Luke lifts my chin up with his hand and wipes my tears looking at me.

"No, you don't need to be sorry okay?" He says. "I'm the one thats sorry."

I play with Luke's fingers before I slowly look back up at him. He was already looking at me.

I slowly lean in until our foreheads are touching. I wanted so badly to kiss him. Our lips brushed against each other before I kissed him.

The kiss was short as I pulled away. I missed his lips so much. I miss his touch. I miss cuddling him at night. I miss him.

"I miss you" I whisper.

"I miss you to Chlo" Luke says.

"If I give you another chance will you promise not to lie to me?" I ask.

"I promise I will not lie to you" Luke says.

I kiss him again. His hands find my waist and he pulls me onto his lap. My hands are around his neck tugging gently at his hair.

I pull away from Luke as Zoella lets out a cry. Luke lifts me off his lap.

"I'll get her" he says.

He goes to Zoe's nursery and comes back a couple minutes later with Zoe.

"We're a little family of 3" Luke smiles.

"Not for long" I say.

"A family of 4" he says and kisses my head.

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