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Chapter Four
Michael's POV

Long story short, Alice was really angry at us since we are losing a ton of fans.

Alice blamed everything on Chloe resulting in Chloe ending up in tears. That pissed Luke off and ended in him screaming at Alice, the babies crying. Melanie called Jerry halfway through the argument. Alice threatened Chloe but no one heard what she was threatened with.

Chloe won't tell anyone what Alice threatened her with but it must be pretty serious because Chloe isn't talking to anyone.

*1 Day Later*

I snapped the picture and attached it to my tweet.

@.Michael5SOS: 2 for 1 special ❤️🍼

Fans started to freak out which I expected.

Bradley lets out a loud cry from the living room before Zoella begins to cry from the Chloe and Ashlyn's room and the Clifford twins start to cry causing the Hood twins to cry from Chloe and Ashlyn's room.

Calum begins to cry in the room next to me, he's having a hard time dealing with all of this. I pick up Nadia and begin to rock her.

"Lucy I need help" I call.

"M'busy" she yells.

"Lucy" I whine.

"I'm on Brad duty" she replies.

I frown. Bradley requires a lot of attention or he cries causing all the babies to cry. The girls take turns looking after him.

Aidan let out another loud cry and I frown.

"Mel" I call.

She appears in the door frame.

"Sorry, I'm looking after Cecilia since Lyn went out."

I sigh, I can't do this on my own.

A tear rolls down my cheek as I continue to rock Nadia trying to get her to stop crying. Aidan's cry's begin to die down and I look towards his crib confused.

Chloe was standing there holding him and rocking him.

"Thank you" I smile.

"You're welcome" Chloe replies.

The suite became silent as all the cries stopped, including Calum's.

*2 Days Later*
Chloe's POV

"There are so many noise complaints being made by guests at the motel so you're all flying out to stay in some houses in LA" Alice said.

"Babies on a plane are probably worse than snakes on a plane!" Ashton said.

"Bro are you kidding, snakes on a plane is way worse! At least babies aren't trying to eat you" Calum says.

"Dude shut up" Ashton snaps.

"You'll be flying on the girls private jet so the babies can't disturb anyone" Jerry says.

"When?" I ask.

"In 3 days. There will be 2 houses. They both have 7 bedrooms. They are townhouses. So they are connected by a wall but you can't just walk into each others house without the key" Alice says.


"The houses are fully furnished. Luke, Chloe, Michael, and Lucy will share one house, Calum, Ashlyn, Ashton, and Melanie will share the other house" Jerry informs.

That sounds alright.

"Luke and Chloe share a room on the third floor, Zoella's nursery is on the third floor as well, there is one more bedroom on the third floor that you can use for whatever, it has a bed in it right now. Michael and Lucy, you're on the second floor, the twins nursery is also on the second floor. There are 2 more spare bedrooms as well. Calum and Ashlyn you're on the third floor, the twins are also on the third floor, there are 2 spare rooms on the third floor as well. Melanie and Ashton are on the second floor. So is your son's nursery."

"There is a bathroom on each floor" Alice adds.

We all nodded before we went back to our hotel.

I am not staying in the same room as Luke. He can stay in the spare bedroom.

*8 Hours Later*

I was sat outside enjoying the evening. It was really nice out. For once I was having some me time. That was until someone sat beside me.

"Can we talk?" Luke asks.

I get up to walk inside but Luke grabs my wrist very gently. He didn't want to accidentally hurt me in anyway.

"Chloe please" Luke pleaded.

I sigh and look up at him.

"What do you want Luke?" I ask.

"I'm sorry" He apologizes.

"I know you are" I say.

"Chloe I love you" He says.


"I know. I'm just so sorry for everything. You don't have to say anything back, I just wanted you to know. I'm trying" He says.

"I don't want to do this right now Luke" I say.

I couldn't stand here and listen to him. It still hurts. I'm still hurt. I love him so much but what he did hurts.

He frowns.


"Luke please, I can't do this right now okay" I say my voice cracking.

My eyes were beginning to water. Luke seemed to notice.

"Please" Luke asks, with hopeful eyes.

"It hurts to hear your voice, it hurts to look at you Luke" I cry.

He frowns.

"It hurts so fucking much. I wish you would've told me. It would have hurt so much less Luke, and you know that" I cried.

He nods slowly. He opens his mouth to speak but shuts it.

It's silent for a minute as I process my thoughts.


"I can't do this right now Luke."

"I'm so sorry Chloe" He says with a frown.

"I know" I say, my voice cracking. I quickly head into my motel room and let the tears fall.

Girls Hate Girls (Remastered) - 5SOSWhere stories live. Discover now