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Chapter Eleven
*1 Week Later*
Chloe's POV

I kiss Luke goodbye before he walks out the door with the rest of the boys.

They were starting the Uk leg of the tour, they had gotten another band to open for them for that part.

"Wow, I don't think the house has ever been this quiet" Lucy says.

I laugh.

*4 Days Later*
Ashlyn's POV

I walk across the balcony and into Lucy and Chloe's house. I needed to borrow some milk for my cereal, my delicious Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

My phone was pressed to my ear as I talked to Calum.

"You need to send me more pictures! I miss them!" He says.

I roll my eyes. "You're such a dad I hate you."

"You love me."

"Do I?" I ask sarcastically.

I walk into the kitchen and spot Chloe crying sitting against the fridge with a tub of ice cream.

"Oh my god Chlo what's wrong?" I quickly ask sitting beside her.

"I'm such a screw up" she cries before eating a spoonful of ice cream.

"Why would you think that?" I ask.

"Alice is going to ruin me" she sobs.

"What's going on?" Calum asks.

I ignore Calum. "Why would she ruin you?"

"I'm so stupid" she sobs.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Calum asks again.

"I fucked up big time" she cries.

"What did you do?" I ask.

Chloe slowly looks up at me tears streaming down her face.

"I'm pregnant" she sobs.

I gasp.

Oh shit.

"It's Luke's right?" I ask taking the ice cream from her.

"Of course it is!" Chloe sobs.

"Nice one babe" Calum says.

"Sorry" I whisper.

"It's gonna be okay Chloe, I promise I will be there for you" I say.

"I'm not ready, I can't do this" Chloe cries.

"Chloe breath please, I don't want you to have a panic attack" I say.

"I can't, I can't breath" she sobs beginning to hyperventilate.

"Shit" Calum curses.

"I'll call Luke-"

"N-No" Chloe sobs.

I quickly hang up on Calum and call Luke anyways.

Luke's POV

My phone rings and I pick it up checking the caller ID. Ashlyn.

I answer. "Hey."

"Chloe take deep breaths please" Ashlyn said.

"I-I can't" Chloe sobs.

I frown.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"I c-can't breathe."

"Chlo did you tell him?"

"Tell me what?"

" Y-Yes."

"Um...she's having a panic attack about her pregnancy, she didn't want me to call you-"

"Put her on or put me on speaker next to her and leave the room" I say.

"Oh okay" Ashlyn replies.

"Chlo, Luke's on the phone, I'm gonna leave you to talk to him okay? Shout if you need me alright?" Ashlyn says.

"Chlo?" I say.

"I'm sorry" she sobs.

"It's okay baby, just take deep breaths. Can you do that for me?" I ask softly.

"I-I can't" Chloe sobs.

"Yes you can baby, you need to breathe. You have to calm down" I say softly.

"It's too hard" Chloe chokes.

"Chloe remember back in Aus, when we went to the aquarium" I say trying to distract her from whatever she was thinking about.

"Yeah" she sobs.

"Remember the beautiful fish, and how pretty it was" I say.

Her crying was beginning to stop.

"Yeah" she sniffles.

"And remember how you got to feed the fish" I say.

I can hear her slowly taking deep breaths until eventually, she stops crying.

"You okay?" I ask.

"No" she replies.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"I had the appointment today."

"Is that what caused the panic attack?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry baby, I'm sorry I couldn't be there with you" I say.

"How did it go?"

"Okay" Chloe yawns.

"Are you okay now?" I ask.

"Yeah I'm okay" she says.

"Promise?" I ask.

"I promise" she replies.

It's silent for a moment.

"How far along are you?" I ask.

Chloe stays silent.

"Chlo?" I ask.

She sighs. "8 weeks."

"2 months!?"

"Yeah, I didn't think I was that far along. It scared me" Chloe says.

"It'll be okay Chloe" I say.

"I know."

"Luke we gotta go" Michael calls.

"I gotta go baby, I'll call you after the show okay?" I say.

"Okay I love you Luke."

"I love you more Chlo."

Girls Hate Girls (Remastered) - 5SOSWhere stories live. Discover now