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Chapter Twelve
*2 Days Later*
Luke's POV

We walked into the house.

"Incoming!" Chloe yelled.

A huge load of clothes dropped from the second floor.

"Lucy I need wipes!"

"What?" Lucy asked.

"Oh god. It's everywhere" Chloe said.

"Found them! I'm coming" Lucy yelled.

She ran past us not even noticing us and up the stairs.

"Thanks. Where's Aidan?"

"Oh shit!"


"I think I lost him!" Lucy yells.

"Shhh!" Chloe shushes her.

Suddenly 5 babies start to cry, that included Nadia who was in Michael's arms.

"Jesus Christ it never ends!" Lucy yells.

I head upstairs and into Zoella's nursery.

I pick her up and begin to rock her.

Chloe walks into the room and lets out a scream.

"Luke!" she squeals and runs towards me.

She hugs me, Zoella between our chests.

"I missed you" she smiles and pecks my lips.

"Oh thank god! Please take your babies! I need a nap!" Lucy cheers.

Chloe laughs.

"I'm going to take a nap" she yawns.

"I'll join you once she's alright" I say.

Chloe nods and heads into our room.

I change Zoella's pee diaper and give her a pacifier before putting her back in her crib where she fell asleep.

I head into our room and lay down beside Chloe.

She rolls over to face me and lets out yawn.

"I have an appointment next week" Chloe says and places a hand on her stomach.

I kiss her forehead.

"I love you and Zoella, and our baby" I smile.

Chloe smiles sleepily.

"Go to sleep baby" I whisper.

She nods snuggling into my chest closing her eyes and drifting to sleep.

Nobody's POV

Somewhere in a small motel room in New Jersey was a group of 5 people, according to one person there are 6 people, 4 of them girls, 2 of them boys.

"Did you do what we said?" Parker asked.

"Yeah, now where's our money?" Alicia said.

Parker sighed and paid the 4 girls.

"What's the next step?" Skyler asks.

"Become the girls" Parker smirked.

"We already did that, that was step one dumb ass" Alicia said.

"Oh right, well then the next step is to replace the girls"

"Like take there band?" Skyler asked.

"No not there band, just get close to the boys, you no what I don't even care what you three do" Parker said.

"I just need Alicia to get with Luke so I can get back my girl" Parker said.

Maria sat silently. She knew this was wrong.

She never wanted to do this.

She just wanted to have friends and fit it and now she's realized she made a terrible mistake and this is serious.

She want's to help the girls but she's scared her friends will find out and do something horrible.

She doesn't know what to do.

Tiffany smiles proudly. She is so happy about all of this.

She wants to ruin 5SOS no matter what or who gets in her way....even her friends.

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