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Chapter Nineteen
*3 Days Later*
(April 17th)
Chloe's POV

I sat downstairs in the living room watching a movie with the girls.

Luke finally let me leave our room.

The babies were upstairs napping and Luke had just went out to pick up the guys from the airport.

It's like an hour drive to the airport so he'd be gone a while.

I yawn and stretch my legs getting up to go pee.

I begin to waddle towards the bathroom when I suddenly feel something pop and a gush of warm liquid runs down my legs.

"Oh shit" I gasp.

My water just broke...

I begin to take deep breaths to try and calm myself down.

"What?" Lucy asks glancing at me.

I turn around to face her with wide eyes.

"My water just broke" I say.

"What!" She yells.

"Oh my god!" Ashlyn panics.

"What do we do!?" Melanie asks.

"Get the car" I say.

I squeeze my eyes shut and grab my stomach letting out a cry as I feel a contraction.

"Now" I yell.

Ashlyn runs out the door well Melanie and Lucy rush over to me.

They grab my arms and help me stand up.

"Mel get my hospital bag" I breathe.

"Alright" she says and runs upstairs to get it.

Lucy helps me towards the front door where Ashlyn runs in.

Ashlyn and Lucy help me out to the car.

Melanie runs out with the bag and puts it in the front seat before wishing me luck and heading back inside to watch the babies.

Ashlyn begins to drive to the hospital.

I let out another cry as this contraction hurt even more.

"How far apart are your contractions?" Lucy asks.

"5 Minutes"

I take a couple deep breaths to try and calm myself down.

My eyes widen.

"Call Luke!" I say.

"Shit I forgot about him!" Lucy says.

She pulls out her phone and dials Luke's number.

He doesn't answer.

"God dammit Luke" Lucy curses.

"Call Cal" I pant.

Lucy dials Calum's number but he doesn't answer either.

"Why aren't they answering!?" Lucy asks.

She dials another number.

"Thank god!" She says.

She puts the phone on speaker.

"Michael shut up!" Ashton says.

"Are you with Luke?" Lucy asks.

"Yeah I'm here" Luke says.

"Okay good I'm on speaker" Lucy says.

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