Chapter Four - Pilot

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Apparently a student died in the halls a little bit before first period. I guess he froze to death outside of the boy's bathrooms. Frank Palicky, some junior jerk who like to bother freshmen. I didn't know him that well, I guess Summer had a crush on him. When I was walking the halls to go to the bus, I noticed her and another student sobbing and sitting at a spot where he died. It had a cross and flowers and a football placed around it. How does someone get frozen to death in a hallway? The world is weird sometimes.

"Hey, Summer." I said as I walked up, placing my hand on her shoulder. She didn't even look up to notice me, she just sobbed about her friend. She knew I was there though. The school principal, Principal Vagina... yeah, I know... he walked over to us to let us know that the buses are here and that we don't want to be late. And then he mentioned something else that even got Summer's attention. About our parents being in school.

"Wait... why were our parents in school? We're not in trouble are we?" Summer asked, as she wiped her eyes a little.

"No you two are fine. It's just your brother. I had them come in. Your grandfather frequently pulled him out of school numerous times, but regardless, you girls should hurry and catch the bus. Have a great rest of your day." He said, then walked down the hall to talk to another teacher. I looked at Summer, who was just as confused as I was.

"Um... so we should, like, get to the bus." She said.

"Yeah. Let's go."

"I was wondering why mom and dad were here today. I saw them walking around with Vagina."

"Now we know. Dad's gonna be pissed off."

"Grandpa Rick and Morty are so dead." Summer said, when I looked over I noticed she had a small smile. She seemed pleased with the idea that Rick and Morty might be in trouble.

"It's more likely that Rick's gonna be more in trouble than Morty. Since is Rick who's dragging him around. Morty looks like he enjoys it sometimes. Sometimes..."

"By the way, what is Rick's intense dislike towards me all about?" I wouldn't have asked that. Don't know why I did.  We walked out of the school and hopped on the bus. The bus was loud as usual. Two students were playing catch with a crumpled up piece of paper on each side. We sat down before the bus started to move.

"I don't know, Jules. I think it's because you're dad's kid and you have no Sanchez blood it you or some shit. You know how he hates dad. Maybe he'll be jealous of you now."

"What do you mean, he's not jealous."

"He will be once he hears that you're a human calculator. I heard what happened in your math class. Nancy's little brother told me. He's in your class. He's the one with the funny blue glasses. Kinda like yours but yours are black."

"Oh Peter? I knew he looked familiar. Also, what happened in math class... I was just... guessing."

"Well they were pretty damn good guessing. I heard you didn't get a single one wrong. Grandpa wants to be the smartest person in the universe. He thinks he is, his ego is that huge. *gasp* oh my god! We should do, like, a wicked hard math trivia at home with you and him. He'll be so pissed!" She got excited for that idea. I was just sitting there, not really excited as she was.

"I don't know, I think I'm good."

"Ugh, would be cool though." She said, giggling a little. She then took out her phone and stopped talking to me. I sighed, and looked out the window, putting on my headphones and listened to a song or two before the bus stopped at our house.

Ten minutes later, we were dropped off at our house. When we got off the bus, we were met by Mom and Dad... who were putting things in a moving truck. Rick's things. I noticed Morty and Rick were in the almost completely emptied garage.

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