Characters Introduction

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Pictures below do not belong to me, I found them on internet. Credit goes to the og artist.


Iris White

- 17 years old (before Timeskip)

- 5'11 tall. and muscular /toned body.
Has shoulder length hair of dark black color and golden brown eyes.

Has shoulder length hair of dark black color and golden brown eyes

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The only daughter of Karl and Alice White.

Iris was always by herself alone at her big mansion never really having her parents or friends around resulting in her growing up to be a loner and rude individual never really caring about anyone other than herself or the ones that are close to her or knowing how to share things.

Having such crazy rich parents Iris always got what she wanted without having to ask for it again.
If she couldn't get something she would do anything to destroy it because if she can't have it there's no way she'll let others have it.

She has always been insanely possessive about things that belong to her and would go into a rage if anyone even touches it or worse takes it.

She almost killed her father's butler because he sat on 'her' chair because he was tired. She kept hitting that butler with the said chair until he was permanently disabled.

She broke the gardener's hands because he accidentally broke her favorite flower pot.

She burned the maid's hands because she burned her clothes while ironing them. She committed many other acts of abuse or violence throughout her life.

All the horrible things she did were never mentioned anywhere even in her house because of her parents who solved the matter by giving the victims a huge amount of money they could never have even if they work their whole life.

Never being punished or scolded for her wrong doings, it became a normal thing for Iris to abuse others.
But her love for Sherry was far more dangerous. She would do anything to keep Sherry safe and all to herself.
Sherry Davis
-17 years old(before Timeskip)

5'4 , and has a petite body. Has dark brown waist length hair and has doe green eyes.

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