Still with you

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I was a little worried about Sherry changing her behavior towards me after I treated her so harshly and probably won't talk to me either and she saw me cry too she would think I'm a weak person. fuck this!

Forcing her to love me is the last option I would ever choose but that won't be her honest and true feelings for me, I want her to love me as much as I love her.

After I told her everything I kept looking at her doe eyes also glistening with tears waiting for a response. She lifted her hand gently wiped my eyes with her sleeves while holding the side of my face with her other one.
"I'm so sorry Iris I didn't noticed that I gave him the pen that means so much to us. I'm such a bad friend right? I hurted your feelings, made you cry and didn't know what I did unless you told me. But he didn't broke it nor lost it infact he returned it in the last class look", Sherry said in a sad voice and showed me the pen we were arguing about . I was so fucking relieved to see it.

"Not that I'm justifying myself for giving our special thing to someone else but I got it back meanwhile you wasted your handkerchief, you could've just told me the moment I gave him the pen I would've snatched it back in a second", she said with a slightly sassy tone and furrowed eyebrows. Fuck. Good thing I'm smart.

"And who said I wasted my precious handkerchief, it was a replica of it. I didn't wanted to use it because I didn't wanted to get dirty or damaged in any way but at the same time I didn't wanted you to feel sad about me not using it when you made it with so much love , so I told my butler to make a handkerchief that looks exactly the same so that I can use it everyday but still it was a copy of your gift so I apologize for using it on a girl you don't like at all", I said proud of my intelligence.

Her eyes were back to shining like a million stars after I said that and was smiling again .
"I would've kicked Dawn's wounded leg for sure tomorrow if you didn't told me.Iris you stole my chance to kick her ass ",she said in a complaining way and giggling at the end.

I'm relieved to see her smile again it felt like being stabbed with a million sharp knives when she was crying and scared all because of my outburst.

"Why don't you stop by my place and confirm it, I also need to apologize and make it up to you for my sudden outrage. I'll cook something delicious for you, it's been a while since we had a sleepover as well, what do ya say buddy ? I asked her while holding her hands and looking at her with a small smile to let her know I'm sincere about it.

She was looking hesitant as if contemplating on whether she should stop by or not. Oh honey no! I asked you kindly for just formality. You don't get to pick a answer by your choice. There's only one answer to my words- Yes. Nothing more Nothing less.

"I don't know Iris, my brother in law is out of town for something related to his work. I don't want my sister to be alone, she's a scaredy cat you know that. I hope you understand ", she said with an apologetic look in her doe eyes.

To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I was so disappointed. I was so confident that she would say yes.
She never said no to me before or even disagreed with me on anything.

I moved from my big mansion to a small apartment that is like 5 blocks away from her sister's house just for her to say no for a fucking sleepover and for a shallow reason like that!

I thought she understood my emotions more than anyone else. I'm still not her first priority even after more than a decade of being together. She doesn't treasures me as much as I treasure her. There has to some other reason. Is it because of my aggressive attitude towards her.Is she scared to be alone with me? Will she stop talking to me because of all this? No fucking way! I can't lose her she's all I got. How do I gain her trust again? Does she hate me now? I'm so fucking stupid for not being able to control my emotions. What do I do?

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