Family Time

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Me and Sherry were now in my car going to meet my parents, at the mansion. It was at almost an hour away from our apartments. She looked excited and was continuing looking out the window with her hands on the glass looking as cute as ever. I clicked hundreds of pictures secretly when she was looking outside.

We talked a lot about how our childhood was when we lived there. How we used to play around in the playground of the mansion and our first meet in my garden. We felt nostalgic remembering our childhood.

It was my old butler Mr.Walker that was driving the car. He's almost 40 now. Sherry was so happy when she saw it was him who came to pick us up, to be honest I was happy too. He's a great man, an expert in his job. He is like a cool uncle to me. He always made delicious snacks and drinks for us after our playtime and even used to set up tents for our camp and taught me how to cook as well.

It was his son Martin that worked as my butler now. He's a ruthless and heartless guy unlike his father. He follows my orders without any questions or hesitation which is why he was never once scolded by me. I remember being angry at some girl for hurting Sherry in a tennis game so I told him to break all her limbs and he did. He ran a rented car over her and broke her limbs almost killing her and making it look like she was high and jumped in front of the car.
He always gets me detailed information about anything I ask for.

After Emma the one I trust the most in my secret works is Martin, that jerk has eyes darker than the dark that shows his cruelty . I read somewhere that 'Eyes are mirrors to the soul'.

 I read somewhere that 'Eyes are mirrors to the soul'

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(Martin Walker, 20)

Father and Mother were aware about my doings but never said anything or stopped me which I really appreciate them for. They were not there for me much of the time but that doesn't mean they don't love me. They are such loving parents they found the love of my life for me and that's why I want to do my best in studies and make them proud by being worthy of being the next owners of our multiple companies and business all around the world , they are the best I love them .

We reached the Mansion around lunch time. It still looked asthetic surrounded by beautiful trees and plants. My love for plants and flowers came from my Mother, she was always fond of plants and trees the ones with fruits and vegetables.

There she was cutting out the strawberries and dragon fruits from the plants in a basket . They are Sherry's favorite. Her butler Amanda had another basket in her hand with kiwis and a melon in it which are my favorite. Mother is a perfectionist when it comes to gardening that's why they all look so fresh and good.

When she heard the gates opening to let our car go inside she looked up and had a huge yet elegant smile on her sophisticated features. She may be in her late 40s now but she still looks beautiful and young. Sherry immediately got out of the car and ran towards her with her arms raised like a kid. Mother also gave the basket and scissors to Amanda immediately and opened her arms to welcome my Sherry.

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