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to when they first met.

13 JUNE 2014, 8:00 AM

"Sherry, don't worry baby. You'll like her. The Boss's daughter is the same age as you, her name is Iris. She doesn't have any friends and she's always alone at her home. She needs a lovely friend like you", my dad said to my 6 year old self in a comforting way.

"She is becoming more and more silent and introverted each day. Her parents, my superiors are worried about her so please be a good girl and make her your friend. She lives in a big mansion it has a playground too, you'll love it there", my mom said trying to assure me.

"What if she doesn't like me or wants to be my friend? ", I asked in a timid voice to my parents fiddling my panda stuffed toy.

"There's no way she'll not like you. My daughter is so adorable it's hard to not like her ", my mom said while giving a peck on my cheeks.

"Why didn't Sasha came with us?", I asked them. "Because her tests are near and they have already met her before in annual party", my dad said.

When we reached there and got out of our car, i saw a beautiful mansion in front of my eyes. I gasped in awe which made my parents giggle.

A man in a complete formal clothes came towards us and greeted my parents and started to lead us inside. He looked like a royal servant. I held my mom's hand tightly afraid of the strangers in that huge place.

Many servants were doing their chores. I saw a man and woman in their 30s sitting elegantly on luxurious chairs in front of a beautiful glass table with a vase on top of it.

My parents greeted them and bowed their head a little to show respect to their bosses.

"She is my younger daughter Mr and Mrs. White. Sherry say hello to them", my dad said. "My name is Sherry Davis, I'm 6 years old. I study in Little Flowers Kindergarten, thank you for inviting me Mr and Mrs White",
I greeted them saying what my mom told me to when I greet them. My mom looked proud of me for doing it properly.

"You are a really cute and well mannered girl Sherry and dear please don't call us that. Call us Uncle and Aunty White", the woman said softly while looking at me.

"Yes Mrs- I mean Aunty white ", I said while smiling which made her smile too she is a really pretty woman. "Honey, will you help your uncle and aunty and do them a favor?", uncle white asked. I tilted my head in confusion and he got the hint and looked at aunty white.

"Your parents might have told you but I wanna say it myself as well. You see dear my daughter has become distant and silent because of loneliness. Your Uncle and I are always at work and we can't give her enough time to stay or play with her. She doesn't talk to anyone and rarely comes out of her room. She's not enjoying her childhood nor behaving like a kid. She doesn't have any friends nor siblings to play or talk with, we are really worried about her so dear please make her your friend and stay by her side" Aunty white said in a sad tone while holding my small hands.

"She might look a little scary but she's a lovely kid when you get to know her", uncle said while patting my head.

"Yes Aunty I will try my best to make her my friend ", i said in a cheerful voice and a big smile making her hug me for a few seconds.

"Mr. Walker take our little guest to Iris's room and tell her I asked Iris to not be rude to her", she ordered the man in formal wear from before and he started to lead me to her room and I looked at my parents before following him.

"Young Miss might not talk much or be friendly at first but she's a really nice kid so please don't be afraid Miss Davis", he said in a polite way noticing my small steps. I just nodded. I was really nervous.

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