Sweet Talker

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I saw a girl with long brown hair flowing from wind standing on the edge of a cliff with a dagger in her hand. "Did you really have to go this far just to get me? What did you even achieved from all of this?",her voice sounded tired . I was so confused . "What do you mean?", I asked moving towards her trying to look at her face but she suddenly turned around and stabbed me with the dagger in my chest making me caugh blood. I know this was all a dream but it all felt so real to me. She dragged me with the dagger pierced deep inside my chest and pushed me off the cliff but before I fell I got a hold of her leg and fell with her but before that I caught a glimpse of her face but it was hazy. All I could see was a pair of green colored eyes that looked lifeless. They looked familiar.

"Your death is way more important than my life you psycho!", that woman yelled and twisted the knife making me scream.


I woke up with my heart beating rapidly and out of breath. I was so terrified. Then I felt a hand on my back and I jumped in shock and looked around only to find the love of my life

my Sherry, her doe looking at we worryingly. It felt so relieving to see her. I hugged her tightly wrapping my arms around her waist. I'm glad she is here.

"Nightmare?",she asked while putting her hand on back of my head and patting my back with another. I just nodded my head and she kept whispering sweet words to me to probably to calm me down.

"It's okay I'm right here no one will hurt you. I came to wake you up and saw you restless in your sleep and you woke up like this, you are okay right?", she asked in a whisper. I just nodded lightly. She kept hugging me and rocking me slowly the same way a mother does to stop her child from crying after getting hurt.

I slowly looked up at her. Her green eyes are so mesmerizing they are like a million stars shining. Such innocent looking eyes .It always make me calm just by staring into them. I was still slightly shivering in her arms.

" Don't worry Rissy I got you okay? And yeah I need to check your temperature before we eat dinner ", she said with her adorable smile while caressing my cheeks.

"It's been decades and I still have no idea how did you even came up with that nickname?", I asked her with a slightly chuckle but then I gasped after thinking of her words "Wait dinner? Just how long have I been sleeping ? Sherry what time is it?", I asked.

Sherry laughed and ruffled my hair softly. She went to the drawers and took out the thermometer. It's funny she remembers the things in my house more than me. She came back and looked at me warmly and said "For the first question , I call you that because it's cute, second we came back around 3 and it's 8 now so yeah pretty long", she said while putting the thermometer and waiting for it to beep.

She sat near me and put her hands on my knees and said "You looked so calm and adorable while sleeping I couldn't wake you earlier sorry", looking at me. My heart fluttered at her words and I'm sure I was blushing and also felt weird in the tummy. What was it called again......Butterflies?

I looked down whole trying not to show my smile . I suddenly heard Sherry squealing and she started pinching my cheeks, I looked up to see her grinning making me blush even more madly. "Awwwwwwww, Is my Iris blushing? Or is it because of the fever? Wait are you smiling rissy, awwwwwwww you look so cute right now. Such an adorable girl you are munchkin.", she cooed imitating my grandma at the end calling me by that cringy nickname. She was making small noises like a cat lover would after seeing a cat. Damn this 5'3!

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