The Reason Why

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I watched little Iris laugh as she said those horrifying words to me before falling backwards with blood coming from her neck and mouth. I felt like throwing up, I felt sick. No way, not my Iris she doesn't deserve such a painful death. At such a young age.

I lost her. I couldn't save her. She was scared and wanted me to hide her but I couldn't I'm so fucking useless. I wanna die. Please tell me this a nightmare. Please God!

"Hey get up!"



I wanted to wake up but I couldn't. I wasn't able to move nor open my eyes. After a alot struggling I got up abruptly breathing aggressively and my heart's pounding audible in my ears.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!DON'T STARTLE ME LIKE THAT YOU BITCH!!", It was Emma. Her hand was on her chest before her other hand smacked my arm.

"Get out. We are here. Don't you dare do anything stupid or I'll break your limbs", she warned before walking towards the hospital's entrance. I couldn't process what was happening.

Earlier events started coming up in my mind. My fight with Iris. Her ending things with me. Her going out with that whore of a girl ,Carmen. Such a fucking unlucky girl. Then my argument with Sasha. She was mad at me because I didn't chose the daughter of her boss over a nobody. In her eyes well not for me. Then so on.........

"HEY YOU FUCKING COMING? ", It was Emma again. "Yes I am", I said getting out of the car and walking inside the building. My hands were shaking I was continously praying for my Iris's life. "There she is. Just take a peek from this window", she ordered before going inside.

My dearest Iris. She was still unconscious with a wire attached in her arm for the transfusion and some machines on her finger to check her pulse rate. She had bandages around her both wrists and one palm. Her head had a band aid too. She looked so calm yet so miserable. She was holding both her parent's hands.

There was aunt Alice on the bed caressing Iris's hair with a sad face. Uncle Karl was sitting next to Iris on a chair while holding her hand and resting on the chair's arm. I couldn't hear anything happening inside.

But Emma definitely said something to Aunt about me making her look at me immediately with a angry face and crooked eyebrows. Now I know where Iris gets it from. She slowly took out her hand and kissed Iris's head before marching towards me. She came out with a dangerous aura coming from her.

The Aunt who told me to call her Mama. Who adored me like her own daughter, was now looking at me with a lot of hatred in her eyes. It hurts me alot after my parent's demise she and Uncle were the only people who truly cared for me after Iris.

"Why are you here huh!? Aren't you happy enough by hurting and betraying my daughter by choosing another guy over her!? Now you wanna see her in such a horrifying state to mock her misery of being abandoned by you? A mere commoner!! Get lost for God's sake!!?", she whisper shouted at me as we were standing in a hospital lobby but it was painful to see her act like this to me.

I just looked down ashamed at myself. I'm the reason for all of this. I shouldn't have told Iris about my feelings for Chris. I knew she hates him but I though if I let her know she'll stop being mad and just mock and tease me for being a fool in love. I'm the worst human. "I-

"Don't you dare justify yourself Sherry!! or to play the victim. I know everything already. He disrespected her and then called her the same as him, You know how pride she is of herself as the sole heir of

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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